Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber at Hand in Hand: A Benefit for Hurricane Relief at Universal Studios AMC in Universal City, CA.


Itskaito_ "Seriously nice talking with @justinbieber today. Not just putting this out here in the air. But sometimes people may think these "celebs" .." 9:32 PM (Pacific Time (US))

Itskaito_ "Are to into themselves or are crazy but man never met somebody so humble!" 9:33 PM


  • Justin Bieber at Palms Pool in Las Vegas, NV.
  • Justin Bieber at XS nightclub.


  • Justin Bieber spending time with family.


djsupajames "This @justinbieber @jaZzLaZer @Tyga "wait for a minute" is a smash tho! Bieber got his grown on!" 12:50 AM (Eastern Time (Canada))

justinbieber retweets MadisonElleBeer "thank you for the love and support, it means the world. #melodies <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBHVtI9kTAo" 12:38 PM

justinbieber "Love Canada" 12:56 PM

justinbieber ""She's a star trust me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBHVtI9kTAo" 1:00 PM

justinbieber "BIG NEWS- @chazsomers got stung by a bee" 1:02 PM

justinbieber "BIG NEWS - I got a mosquito bite on my neck and it is really itchy" 1:03 PM

TheAUDIBLES "Just heard @justinbieber "Wait a Minute" feat. My bros @jaZzLaZer and @Tyga on 97.5KLUC #GOODLOOK 👀 #FMG" 1:40 PM

TammyBieber "Great day with @BigDaddyBieber @JeremyBieber @justinbieber amd @RebeloChelsey ! #family" 9:23 PM

Melodies music video Beats by Dre
justinbieber retweets beatsbydre "Watch @JustinBieber give @MadisonElleBeer Beats in her new "Melodies" video: http://beats.is/BeerBeats Great song!" 3:12 PM


  • Justin hangs out with friends early in the night in London, England.
  • Justin Bieber performing for Radio 1's Teen Awards 2012 at Maida Vale Studios.

  • Justin Bieber greeting fans at London hotel.



justinbieber "thank you Germany. Bieber means Beaver - http://focus.de/kultur/musik/gratiskonzert-fuer-500-fans-bieber-fieber-in-frankfurt-am-main_vid_33258.html" 12:47 AM (Frankfurt)

justinbieber "Me and @BIGSEAN are on the Finale of AMERICA's GOT TALENT this week performing - http://youtu.be/l7Dw5RPh2S8" 12:48 AM

justinbieber "and make sure to watch my interview with @ryanseacrest on NBC at 10 pm on thursday - http://video.msnbc.msn.com/rock-center/48943662#48943662" 12:49 AM

Justin wearing Brazilian beats

justinbieber "My Brazilian beats. Love u brazil! http://instagr.am/p/PdB9eXAvvx/" 1:34 AM (London)

justinbieber "where would i be if u didnt #BELIEVE" 3:17 AM

justinbieber "1 week @CARLYRAEJEPSEN !! new album #KISS #sept18 get it!" 3:22 AM

justinbieber "UK. we in here" 3:23 AM

JoshDevineDrums "Chillin with @NiallOfficial @justinbieber @alfredoflores" 3:37 AM

justinbieber "In London with @AlfredoFlores @niallofficial and @joshdevinedrums #nosleep" 4:08 AM via Twitter for iPhone

NiallOfficial "@justinbieber @AlfredoFlores @JoshDevineDrums chillin with the kings!" 5:09 AM

iamwill "2yrs ago I got car was broken into and the police still haven't found my computer...my car was stolen 3weeks ago...and my bag is still gone" 4:55 AM (London)

justinbieber "https://youtu.be/R4em3LKQCAQ" 2:31 PM

blissmag "We're at a very special do for the radio one teen awards with actual @justinbieber . SCREEEAAM! We'll give you the goss as we have it!" 3:01 PM

Justin Bieber performing Fall in London

blissmag "Ooh now @justinbieber 's playing Fall. Awww. Totes believing he's singing right at us @BBCR1 #bbcradio1teenawards" 3:18 PM

blissmag "@justinbieber just told us he has 150 pairs of shoes. Whaaaat?! How he's treating us to a bluesy version of boyfriend #bbcradio1teenawards" 3:22 PM

Justin Bieber performing in London 2012

blissmag "Check out the leather trousers @justinbieber 's rocking. Amaze #bbcradio1teenawards" 3:34 PM

blissmag "And Biebs has left the building. Booo! #bbcradio1teenawards" 3:50 PM

justinbieber "radio 1 thank you and thanks to the fans who came. great show #withdankanter - now off to the BOOK SIGNING! #JustGettingStarted" 4:56 PM

AhoyBieber "I just got to witness justin get his star present! No words just tears" 7:51 PM

AhoyBieber "Basically kadra is too hysterical to tweet but we went up to justin with the star, kadra told him about their 4 years and" 8:30 PM

AhoyBieber "He was like "you remembered" then did the cutest smile and promised to instagram the star tonight :-)" 8:33 PM

AhoyBieber "* justin gets his star present* alfredo: " where's my star?" justin: "yeah where's alfredo's star?"" 8:36 PM

AhoyBieber "Justin was given his star while fall was playing in the background" 8:45 PM

justinbieber "shoutout to @LA_Reid and @BritneySpears who i heard from about #XFACTORUSA tonight. looking forward to it. I might show up this season ;)" 8:56 PM

britneyspears "@justinbieber Thank you sweetie! Bring it! You know we're all Beliebers ;)" 9:39 PM
LA_Reid "@justinbieber Thank you JB. Tune in tonight for thePremiere episode @TheXFactorUSA tonight!" 10:07 PM


justinbieber "i love this interview. just watched it again. #honest - http://tinyurl.‏com/fwordbieber" 8:59 PM

justinbieber "BIEBER TV TAKEOVER - 2morrow Thurs - 8am interview on @todayshow - 9pm performing on @nbc America's Got Talent Finale - 1030 @nbc interview!" 11:11 PM

justinbieber "then friday on @theellenshow. LEGGO! #BIEBERTVTAKEOVER" 11:12 PM via Twitter Web Client




SelfMadeRyan "Had a GREAT day today! Unveiled @justinbieber his "SICK" Cadillac CTSV! Stay tuned to #INSIDEWCC to see it! http://lockerz.com/s/138269642" 7:17 PM (Pacific Time (US))

justinbieber "help join the movement with #SOMEDAY and @pencilsofpromis and build schools for those in need. #makeachange . thanks - http://experience.justinbiebersomeday.com/site/someday/" 3:08 PM

justinbieber "@EpIcBiEbErSwAg6 its a trade. you all inspire me. sounds corny but true. thanks" 3:19 PM

justinbieber "photoshoot and singing a song." 3:48 PM

justinbieber "@BieberFitch the family is growing but im still me and let's get excited. #ilovemyfans" 3:53 PM

justinbieber "thinking about starting christmas early...like november. #newmusic" 3:55 PM


  • Justin Bieber at the MTV Video Music Awards


AlfredoFlores "Anyone want to get some last minute votes in before the VMAs tomorrow!! VOTE FOR THE KID! http://www.mtv.com/ontv/vma/2010/best-new-artist/" 12:49 AM (Pacific Time (US))

SourPatchBieber "@AlfredoFlores oh my gosh i like your watch! [the one in your picture.. rofl] sorry just had to tell you that xD" 1:02 AM

AlfredoFlores "@SourPatchBieber justin got me that for my bday.. its super fresh." 1:03 AM

HiHatprod "Big day today @ JustinBieber VMAs! Check it out tonight." 9:39 AM

Tomigunn "VMA's in LA w/JUSTIN BIEBER!!" 10:24 AM

AlfredoFlores "VMAs tonight! Excited.. thank you for all the #goodluckjustin tweets. Feeling good. Feeling blessed! Ready." 10:25 AM

justinbieber "Voting will run thru the award show!! So this is it! WE CAN DO IT!! lol. please Vote and support. thanks - http://on.mtv.com/axf630" 10:49 AM

BboyJstyles "On my way to meet the guys 2 go to the VMAs 2 do the @Justinbieber show it will be the most exciting day of my life!" 10:56 AM

justinbieber "VMA's TODAY!!! HYPED!!! (random tweet)" 11:16 AM

dankanter "VMA dress rehearsal. http://plixi.com/p/44797604" 1:10 PM

CarinMB "Final VMA rehearsal then it's time to have some fun. Go JB go JB go." 1:23 PM

justinbieber "Just saw @usherraymondiv rehearse. It's sick!!!" 3:06 PM

justinbieber "Ran into @eminem in the hallway!!! I love this day! Still a kid...still a fan" 3:07 PM via ÜberSocialOrig

justinbieber "We r gonna rock the streets of downtown LA!! Getting hyped!! VMAs!!! I go on at 620 or so west coast time. Let's do it!" 3:08 PM

showbizshelly "@justinbieber fans lining up for his performance. http://plixi.com/p/44837526" 5:46 PM

Simrin gameface

SimrinPlayer "My gameface! Lol almost showtime! Come on @JustinBieber let's do this! http://twitpic.com/2nxagi" 5:59 PM

dankanter "#VMAS! http://plixi.com/p/44840184" 6:05 PM

justinbieber "Ok. SHOWTIME!!!" 6:23 PM

MatrixMel "Phew.. Survived the red carpet @justinbieber ... Sort of proud... He was calm and collected in madness... Not bad..." 6:24 PM

EvaLongoria "Did you know that @justinbieber is on board @ http://TwitChange.com ??? #VMAs" 6:29 PM

showbizshelly "@justinbieber performs outside while they play it on screens inside the Nokia!" 6:33 PM

missjacquerae "shouts to my homie @lilmb123 who was up there dancing with @justinbieber on the awards show... EVERYONE FOLLOW HIM PLEASE" 7:00 PM

justinbieber "Wow that was insane!! Ok. Best new artist is in 40 min!! Nervous. Regardless I love u guys!!" 7:00 PM via ÜberSocialOrig

Mic1 "Todays vma performance was crazy!! Thanks to everyone who came to support @justinbieber and @legacimusic http://plixi.com/p/44848204 #fb" 7:15 PM

dankanter "Congrats @justinbieber . Best New Artist!!! Love you bro! #VMAS" 7:58 PM

justinbieber "Wow. What??.R U Kidding. What!!?! Hahahaha. Wow. Wow wow wow. Thanks @studiomama and @lordbieber we did it!!" 8:30 PM

TheEllenShow "Just talked to my friend @GreysonChance . He came over to my premiere show after the VMAs to say hi. Love ya, Greyson!" 8:37 PM

DJTayJames "before the show i told biebs that he was goin to win.....#nocomp my mann congrats @justinbieber" 8:37 PM

robertcaplin "@JBteamFL I just showed Justin your tweet and he says thanks...for real. :) 9:00 PM

jonmchu "“ @jennyckaplan : omggg @jonmchu were the little kids dancing with @justinbieber from Step Up 3D??!” yup!!! Pretty awesome kids!! Love them" 9:04 PM

justinbieber "Wooohoooooo!!! Can't stop smiling!" 10:09 PM

HiHatprod "@justinbieber Congratulations!!!!!! You deserve it!" 10:13 PM

justinbieber "Hey @scooterbraun @thatrygood @carinmb @allisonkaye @dankanter @kennyhamilton and the rest of the team... WE DID IT!!! Woohoo" 10:23 PM

justinbieber "I know I'm forgetting all kinds of people. My mind is just spinning. Couldn't even think. Can't stop smiling! I love everybody! haha" 10:26 PM

justinbieber "CHUCK NORRIS...We did it. Hahahaha" 10:32 PM

justinbieber "Can't stop smiling!!! Everybody #SMILE" 10:33 PM

TheEllenShow "That’s a wrap folks! Had such a blast today. Make sure you watch the show tomorrow. It was HUGE and a lot of fun. #EllenRocksTheVMAs" 10:54 PM

thatrygood "Moment of the night... @scooterbraun running up to ron artest after jb performed and asking him if that's how champions do it. Haha Lakers!" 11:01 PM




JessieJDecker "@justinbieber see u tom. sunshine. Welcome to my town!" 12:16 AM (Eastern Time (US))
