Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber in Los Angeles, CA.


  • Justin Bieber hiking in the Hollywood Hills, CA.
  • Justin Bieber shopping Beveverly Hills, CA on Tuesday.



  • Justin Bieber on a yacht in Newport Beach, CA on Sunday.


  • Justin Bieber in the studio.


  • Justin Bieber golfing.



justinbieber "BIG NEWS!!! Wrote another smash this week! Want you to have it! Making it a Christmas gift and moving #journals to the 23rd! So...." 3:09 PM (Pacific Tim e (US))


Justin Bieber on Ellen at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank, CA.


WILD 94.9 "Get your pre-sale word here for Justin Bieber tix! Make sure to enter the password in the "internet pre-sale" filter!!! Good luck! http://www.wild949.com/pages/buzz.html?feed=104650&article=10637476" 10:22 AM (Pacific Time (US))



justinbieber "gonna go see @TheEllenShow today. got some stuff to drop off for christmas" 10:43 AM (Pacific Time (US))


justinbieber "Make sure to watch @theellenshow tomorrow . New music. Big announcement . #acoustic #BELIEVEtour #BELIEVE" 6:28 PM

TheEllenShow "My Hole-y Cow makes a great stocking stuffer. It benefits Toys for Tots and it's perfect for hitting @JustinBieber with http://ellen.tv/VE45EH" 6:45 PM

justinbieber "@TheEllenShow those cows are awesome" 7:03 PM
justinbieber "back in the studio making sure i deliver for you. #acoustic" 11:24 PM


  • Justin Bieber shooting NBA promo.
  • Justin Bieber rehearsing.
  • Justin Bieber performing during The 13th Annual 'A Home for the Holidays'.
  • Justin Bieber backstage of 'Watch Throne Tour' in Los Angeles, CA.


justinbieber "full day. first thing first. i got #school. #normal" 10:07 AM

justinbieber "happy birthday to my friend @TaylorSwift13 . have a great one!" 10:07 AM

justinbieber "http://youtube.com/watch?v=-KD3auXkOLw this goes out to all of my christmas loves watching! :)" 12:23 PM

justinbieber "can't stop playing Heads Up with Cristiano. Try to beat my score! http://rock.li/ve7" 12:24 PM

justinbieber "US and Canada get ready. If u guys liked my ITV special and #ChristmasLove then I got news coming soon on where it will air on the 20th" 12:29 PM

justinbieber "about to go shoot this promo. the NBA is BACK! #drummerboy" 12:35 PM

BootlegKev "Wow- just found out I'll be interviewing Justin Bieber on Friday....." 3:21 PM (Pacific Time (US))

Stone007 "Watchin Justin Bieber special on E! and him @IconStudiosAtl :-) (they also referred to song written/prod. by Babygirl) published by me ;-)" 3:29 PM

BootlegKev "I'm gonna put a gift package together for Justin Bieber that will include a UNLV snapback, Nas Illmatic, Gang Starr Moment Of Truth..." 4:00 PM

BootlegKev "And The Big Lebowski on DVD." 4:00 PM

BootlegKev "And I'm gonna cop the Biebs a six pack of non-alcoholic beer to drink with me on the air" 4:09 PM

justinbieber "About to sing for some really special kids." 6:10 PM

JONBOOGIEE "And that's a wrap with rehearsal.. Show day tomorrow #xfactor with @justinbieber #amped" 9:09 PM

Justin watchingthethrone

justinbieber "We #watchingthethrone http://lockerz.com/s/164705555" 9:47 PM

Kanye West performing 2011
justinbieber "My man @kanyewest is right. #BeAwesome http://lockerz.com/s/164712877" 10:30 PM


  • Justin Bieber performing during his My World Tour at Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, PA on Monday.


justinbieber "alright. got to get some sleep. show in Pittsburgh tomorrow. @jonmchu excited to see the movie man" 12:54 AM (Eastern Time (US))
jonmchu "@justinbieber if u hate it it's @scooterbraun 's fault :)if u love it tell @paramountpictures 2get me a purple Segway 2ride around the lot on" 1:03 AM

jonmchu "Im Already known as the BieberFreak director on the lot... Imagine if I got My purple Segway and purple glasses. I'd OWN that name!! #likeit" 1:15 AM

showbizshelly "My Jingle Bash interview backstage with @justinbieber next!!! @B96Mornings" 7:37 AM

justinbieber "its snowing...Pittsburgh today is gonna be a good day" 11:01 AM

justinbieber "@realwizkhalifa u coming to the show tonight #blackandyellow" 12:11 PM

realwizkhalifa "@justinbieber puttin tha pieces together now famo" 4:33 PM

justinbieber "Pittsburgh it is cold. Feels like winter back home" 2:48 PM

justinbieber "But..." 2:48 PM

justinbieber "We just saw #NeverSayNever3D and @jonmchu its INCREDIBLE!!! So proud!! Amazing movie! We got 2 get the word out that its NOT A CONCERT FILM!" 2:50 PM

justinbieber "It is a real movie with a story and characters. Its amazing!! @jonmchu u r a genius!! #NeverSayNever3D" 2:51 PM

jonmchu "@justinbieber thanks for the love man! Glad u liked it. We're not done yet...it's only gonna get better and in 59 days it'll be out! Crazy" 3:07 PM

justinbieber "HYPED. It is NOT a Concert Movie!! #NeverSayNever3D" 2:52 PM

justinbieber "#Neversaynever3D is way more than just a concert film. This is a true story about reaching for you're dreams!" 2:54 PM

justinbieber "RT @ImLuvinYouBaby holy crap @justinbieber get so many mention a minute..now i realise how impossible its 4 him 2 follow me = #NEVERSAYNEVER" 3:38 PM

StrictlyFX "Bieber fever is out in Pittsburgh, PA @ Consol Energy Center. Come to the show and you'll see our lasers, low smoke, co2 jets, and confetti!" 5:22 PM

thatrygood "I spy @AllisonKaye looking for the pittsburgh OLLG" 9:03 PM

justinbieber "PITTSBURGH was Live tonight!! Now driving thru the snow to where??? @usherraymondiv your lil bro might have to show up" 11:34 PM

katyperry "@taylorswift13 happy 21st gorgeous!" 1:49 AM

justinbieber "@taylorswift13 have to give you a bday tweet before its too late. HAPPY 21st BDAY TAYLOR!! PROUD OF U AS ALWAYS!" 11:44 PM

justinbieber "tonight on stage i started laughing and almost couldnt stop...thank u to the pittsburgh crowd for singing the song and holding me down. haha " 11:47 PM

justinbieber "right now i want to tweet something else but i cant think of anything....I really want to think of something. why cant I think of anything.. " 11:49 PM

justinbieber "still thinking of something clever to say...hmmmmmm...something clever...something clever...hmmmm. and on that note....I got nothin" 11:50 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "goodnight" 11:52 PM



  • Justin Bieber performs onstage during TNT's 'Christmas in Washington 2009' at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC.


brendabreakdown "Rofl he definitely saw @ginaplusjustinb's tweets." 12:02 AM (Central Time (US))

bieberarmy "@justinbieber thank you for dming @brendabreakdown you don't know how much that meant to her. you are amazing in every way!" 12:08 AM

KeriHilson "My new sweetie @JustinBieber gave me flowers soon as I hopped off stage!!!! Then he proceeded to make the crowd scream LOUDER :) showoff!!" 2:06 AM

justinbieber "in DC preparing to sing for President OBAMA!! yeah im nervous. if i mess up he might deport me back to Canada. lol" 11:37 AM (Eastern Time (US)) via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "@johncmayer are you saying we cant steal Integras anymore and cruise the streets while listening to your favorite ace of base songs? bummer" 11:47 AM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "happy birthday @taylorswift13 !!!!" 12:00 PM via Twitter Web Client

georgelopez "Just spoke to himRT @kverme: WHAT IS THIS?! @georgelopez AND @justinbieber are in DC and I didn't know?! WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?" 12:29 PM

justinbieber "Here with @usherraymondIV awaiting to meet the president. This day is amazing.!" 3:54 PM via Twitter Web Client

UsherRaymondIV "im here with @justinbieber first Garden, now the White House!" 3:58 PM

georgelopez "With Usher, Justin Bieber .. At Xmas in Washington .. In line to meet the prez .. http://tweetphoto.com/6384268" 5:34 PM

justinbieber "Omgasshhh me usher @barackobama and Michelle Obama no big deal!" 5:57 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "Omgaaash! Me usher @barackobama and Michelle Obama no big deal. http://twitpic.com/teu9k" 5:58 PM via Twitter Web Client

UsherRaymondIV "@justinbieber is way quicker with the camera phone skills than me! lol" 6:00 PM

JulkeyzBeats "LOL @justinbieber hacking my twitter, your lame son." 9:15 PM via Twitter Web Client

JulkeyzBeats "*deletes everything he said*" 9:15 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "My cast was suppost to be off on friday, but it doesnt hurt anymore. lol.. i took it off. I mean its only like 5 days. my moms angy." 10:49 PM via Twitter Web Client

Rob Thomas meeting the president

ThisIsRobThomas "#throwback to that time when I was gonna meet the president and before I put on a suit @justinbieber convinced me I should wear this because it was “kick-ass”. So I looked like the Obama’s little drummer boy Christmas decoration. #throwbackthursday #obama #justinbieber #fashion" 8:50 PM (Eastern Time - March 1, 2018)
