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- Justin Bieber in Henson Recording Studio in Hollywood.
- Justin Bieber at GQ photo shoot in Los Angeles, CA.
- Baron, Zach (April 13, 2021). "The Redemption of Justin Bieber". GQ.
- Justin Bieber playing golf in Los Angeles, CA.
justinbieber "Who got to @target for the @calvinklein exclusive posters in the #Changes album??" 11:13 AM (Pacific Time (US)) via Twitter for iPhone
iWantBiebsJonas "It was basically a hangout for the release of Changes!! So it was at an indoor skatepark! Justin was skateboarding in the middle and they had a ton of stations around where you could take photos, had food, and we were able to make our own changes album covers and t-shirts!" 1:09 PM
Justin Bieber "Hello to my Chinese fans and friends as the New Year begins... the Year of the Dog. Special congratulations to all the Chinese citizens who like me were born in the Year of the Dog. We are independent, loyal, and fun. This is our year. The Lunar New Year has been the greatest holiday and symbol of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. Let's all celebrate it by being good and grateful to our families and friends. Thanks
各位粉丝和朋友们新年好!在狗年的一开始,我也要特別祝福和我一样在狗年出生的朋友们,在我们的本命年能够活出自我,坚持做最快乐的自己。农历春节是最重要的传统节日,也是中华文化数千年来的重要象征。希望大家都能和家人朋友一起团圆, 过一个开心温馨的农历春节!谢谢!" 1:29 AM (Pacific Time (US))
- Justin Bieber performs at the Grammy Awards.
- Justin Bieber at the Grammy After Party.
TheLoopStudios "We are working today with @justinbieber @TheGRAMMYs So excited for new opportunities! #theloopmusic.com #workhard #dreamhigher" 10:30 AM (Pacific Time (US))
diplo "One love @skrillex @justinbieber @TheGRAMMYs .. And Thank You for spontaneity in music" 3:33 PM
justinbieber "Just posted a #selfie on @shots http://shots.me/p/my2t8vbe" 10:15 PM (Eastern Time (Canada)) via Tweetbot for iOS
- ↳ justinbieber "@CodySimpson see u in Dublin bro. #BELIEVEtour . congrats on ur new song being in Big Harvey's new movie #EscapeFromPlanetEarth . good stuff" 12:31 PM
justinbieber "@rihanna68892383 vacation" 12:32 PM
justinbieber "thanks for all the kind words about the new album #BELIEVEacoustic - means alot. u guys are loving it" 12:33 PM
justinbieber "vacay with my family. #greattimes #neededThis @JeremyBieber @pattiemallette @JazmynBieber @JaxonBieber" 12:35 PM
justinbieber "2 more days and the #BELIEVEtour starts back up in EUROPE in DUBLIN! u guys ready. Im chillin on this beach until then " 12:33 PM
justinbieber "Vacay http://instagram.com/p/VwS2jogvrF/" 12:40 PM
- ↳ lamaamin888 "@justinbieber Enjoy your rest!!!!! Have a great tour!!!! See ya when ya get back." 4:01 PM
- Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez head to iHop for breakfast in Encino, CA.
justinbieber "http://twitvid.com/VUWGF - The word is out. Canada get her EP and the WORLD get ready for @CarlyRaeJepsen - FOLLOW HER" 2:04 PM (Pacific Time (US))
justinbieber "and yes when im excited i like punching my hand other and other again. #REAL - http://twitvid.com/VUWGF" 2:07 PM
justinbieber "@theweekndxo happy birthday my dude. making canadians proud" 11:14 PM
justinbieber "in the studio making some tracks about to figure out these melodies and lyrics. you guys got any ideas. put it with #BelieveIdeas" 11:16 PM
- "Distribution of Western music magazine app “Ichi Oshiyo Gaku MAGAPP” Vol.1 begins!" (in Japanese). Universal Music Japan. February 15, 2012.
- Justin Bieber at the BRIT Awards in London, England.
NeverSayNeverUK "The meet and greet competition is closed and the lucky person picked out at random to meet @Justinbieber tomorrow is Chloe Wassell!" 10:07 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "@JadeLovesAndre @NeverSayNeverUK Here's some info on how to get the purple glasses http://odeon.co.uk/fanatic/great_offers/" 10:12 AM
yelyahparamore_ "omg @NeverSayNeverUK just followed:D <3 thankuu<3" 10:15 AM
- ↳ NeverSayNeverUK "@yelyahparamore_ our pleasure if anyone wants a follow just shout out" 10:17 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "1 day to the European premiere of Never Say Never 3D @justinbieber #neversaynever" 2:11 PM
NeverSayNeverUK "@LorenYxox no problems :-)" 2:17 PM
NeverSayNeverUK "@LorenYxox yes we are excited about tomorrow, we have our purple carpet pass and will let everyone know what is happening. How are you :-)" 2:30 PM
NeverSayNeverUK "@BiebsUKAngels the UK WILL get #purpleglasses its a limited offer from Odeon and only on 18th/19th feb details here http://bit.ly/gHiOOr" 2:53 PM
jonmchu "In London. Who's here? we Premiere tomorrow night at 02! What should I do while Im here?" 3:29 PM
justinbieber "touched down in LONDON TOWN....time for the BRITS and 2morrow London Premiere of #NEVERSAYNEVER3D" 3:40 PM
justinbieber "and for anyone in the UK my LONDON Premiere is at the O2 tomorrow! More details here http://on.fb.me/hFwivm" 3:42 PM
justinbieber "Impressive. @ConanOBrien got me candy from G-D...haha - http://youtu.be/0Rcnisp_1HY" 4:11 PM
ItsBennyBlanco "Pink is obviously the best starburst!!! Yellow is not even edible!" 8:38 PM (13 Feb - Pacific Time)
- ↳ justinbieber "@ItsBennyBlanco thanks for helping me make it happen. #makeachange - http://bit.ly/ekOPmv" 4:15 PM
NeverSayNeverUK "RT if you cannot wait to watch #Neversaynever3d @justinbieber woohoo" 4:23 PM
NeverSayNeverUK "@daniellee_jdb it is at selected cinemas, more details here http://www.odeon.co.uk/fanatic/great_offers/" 4:46 PM
justinbieber "Headed to the BRITS!" 6:11 PM
adambombshow "@justinbieber on the show Thursday Morning 6:20am @i93Dallas" 5:41 PM
georgelopez "Check @JustinBieber ballin' with Harlem Globetrotters @Globies! Anything he can't do? Find out tonight! TBS @ Midnight! http://su.pr/1NtRhS" 6:00 PM
RomeoMiller "THE NBA HAS JUST CONFIRMED: @JustinBieber & @RomeoMiller are Celebrity All-Star teammates. (ESPN, Friday 7ET)." 7:43 PM
justinbieber "Just ran into Arcade Fire at the Brits! #canadiansrepresent" 7:52 PM
nikosofficiel "@Sabi_ShawtyMane jeudi vers 16h. ATTENTION l'interview de Justin Bieber sera enregistrée le jeudi et diffusée vendredi matin à 8h" 8:09 PM
justinbieber "Had to say it. @rihanna is just sexy!" 8:52 PM
justinbieber "My girl @britneyspears vid for Hold It Against Me is premiering thurs night on @mtv . ...wanna watch it? Watch it! - http://goo.gl/MMTUx" 8:56 PM
- ↳ britneyspears "Aww thanks so much @justinbieber ! BTW I loved your movie Never Say Never…what an amazing story. U guys need to see it!" 10:02 PM
CMNHospitals "Want to meet @JustinBieber ? You can by winning this CharityBuzz auction that also benefits our hospitals: http://ow.ly/3X3LS" 8:56 PM
justinbieber "@arcadefire just won another Brit... #CANADA !!" 9:01 PM
justinbieber "Ok. Well let's see what happens.. Win or lose this is fun. #TheBrits porridge" 9:13 PM
chordoverstreet "Who's ready for tonights episode? It's so fun. I sing two @Justinbieber songs" 9:14 PM
justinbieber "UK fans and everyone around the world... THANK U!!! #TheBrits" 9:43 PM
justinbieber "I got nervous up there and couldn't rememeber anything. Lol. I did get to kiss @cherylcole and @rihanna on my way to the stage. #swag ...lol" 9:46 PM
justinbieber "And then I thanked @MikeFlaxander and made him come on stage. Hahaha. Awesome moment. Thanks everyone! I luv yall." 9:55 PM
justinbieber "#NeverSayNever ever!" 10:00 PM
justinbieber "@k_hoshyyy @xxxsteviexxx @h_swag 3 3 huge fans!!!! Thanks for all the support! #swag" 10:18 PM
justinbieber "and i dont single out any fans..i luv all yall...they are just always here.. like always...like everytime i get off the plane. lol. all love" 10:59 PM
justinbieber "we just gotta work on those moves @chordoverstreet . yeah i heard about u guys doing the songs on #GLEE 2nite. Im honored. KILL IT!" 11:01 PM
- ↳ chordoverstreet "@justinbieber thanks alot man. Can't wait to see you and @jonmchu work on the movie!" 3:06 AM (16 Feb)
- "Starting accepting reservations for new products at “Justin Bieber STORE”!" (in Japanese). Universal Music Japan. February 15, 2011.
- “Where Are You Now?” getting mixed at ZAC Recording "Stonehenge" in Atlanta, GA.
- Justin Bieber at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA.
NRJ "Justin Bieber en concert avec NRJ Toute la semaine, Ecoute le mot mystère de Justin Bieber sur NRJ. Note le en commentaire et gagne tes places pour son concert NRJ SEssions" 7:28 AM (Pacific Time (US))
NRJ "Attention voila le resultat du mot mystere du jour : "FAMILY" Le gagnant va recevoir un msg en privé. Il gagne 2 places pour le concert de Justin Bieber le 24/02/2010 à Paris + 1 casquette decidacée par Justin !" 8:33 AM
NRJ Attention Demain nouveau concours Justin Biebe pour gagner
2 places + 1 casquette dedicacée
et on rajoute "1 carte collector iTunes" Justin Bieber..." 8:41 AM
AlfredoFlores "http://twitpic.com/13fpgv - Hanging w/ @justinbieber & @jasminevillegas right before starting to shoot a video." 9:58 AM (Pacific Time (US))
justinbieber "less than 12 hours! upload ur pic and reserve ur spot in My World 2.0 before it's too late! http://www.justinbiebermusic.com/myworld2/" 10:02 AM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "thinking about the show last night. because of recording only had 3 hours of rehearsal before the show but it was amazing thanks 2 the fans" 10:17 AM
justinbieber "grateful to everyone who came out and to my band, dancers, and whole crew. The energy last night was incredible and cant wait to tour" 10:18 AM via Twitter Web Client
BgirlShorty "@jasminevillegas Gabby and I at the @justinBieber concert! :) "Baby Baby Baby OHH" haha! Had so much fun!! http://tweetphoto.com/11511727" 11:16 AM
justinbieber "@jenniferzybert got your book from the concert yesterday. really appreciated it. thanks so much and happy early bday. keep smiling ;)" 11:36 AM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "getting all the songs together for MY WORLD 2.0 ...trying to figure out which songs should make the album. THis is a good problem to have" 1:15 PM
justinbieber "RT @nikkirubin #iloveitwhenjustin dms me. too bad thats never gonna happen.== It just happened. Check your inbox. I got yah. thanks" 1:37 PM via Twitter Web Client
JBSource "News: FOX LA Interview: http://bit.ly/alvXte" 10:01 AM
- ↳ justinbieber "@JBSource wow...u find alot of good stuff. thanks so much for the support. u are doing a great job. thanks again" 2:17 PM via Twitter Web Client
samiamprod "Mixing this Justin Bieber record and there is only 1 track of Vocals !!! Take note artists Less is More. JB killed this song" 4:25 PM
AlfredoFlores "I lost a little of my manhood today... @justinbieber destroyed me in lasertag.. Headed to Six Flags now for the School Gyrls premiere!!" 4:42 AM
justinbieber "Last night in LA for the Valentine's Day show... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyvLZrXcpqk" 5:06 PM from web
justinbieber retweets thatrygood "Conversation of the day...: me: chuck norris is here? @justinbieber: he's everywhere! (Said as genuine as can be)" 5:42 PM from web
ImBenJBro "RT @monohomo Lol having fun @imbenjbro @thalegacy Justin bieber" 10:26 PM
samiamprod "Just got done mixing song #2 for @justinbieber with @samiamprod. I re-produced a song he wrote called "Where http://tl.gd/9dujk@nachojohnny" 11:08 PM
justinbieber "Great night. went to six flags and hit the rides and played some bball. i told you guys...still a normal kid. good times had by all" 11:56 PM from web