Justin Bieber Wiki

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DanielCaesar "Days we save as souvenirs.." 1:17 PM (Pacific Time (US))


  • Justin Bieber and Patrick Schwarzenegger attend Global Road Entertainment's world premiere of 'Midnight Sun' at ArcLight Hollywood in Hollywood, CA.


  • Justin Bieber live on Instagram in Coolum, Australia.


  • Justin Bieber performing during his Purpose World Tour at Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento, CA.




taylorannJDB "shaking bc justin walked straight over & asked me "how are you doing, I'll take a picture with you" and smiled and I'm dead bc he remembered" 1:36 AM (Pacific Time (US))

Selfinc "We're adding another producer/AE on @justinbieber new album!!😆 #Tommie2Tones He's an ingenious visionary!! 🎶🎶🎶 #Top40 #NewSound #Selfinc" 9:00 AM

Selfinc "Multitasking with production on @justinbieber new album🔊🎶 Don't forget, March 30 @ComedyCentral 📺 #BieberRoast #BieberFever #Selfinc😉" 1:58 PM







iamwill "The art to my next single #thatPOWER http://yfrog.com/hw35fqkj " 10:43 AM (Madrid)

JeremyBieber "On my way to airport with Jaxo. Miss you already @justinbieber #BieberBoyz" 11:39 AM

justinbieber "@JeremyBieber @JaxonBieber miss u too" 3:23 PM

justinbieber "@Wale thanks bro" 3:24 PM

justinbieber "everyone step up on the #KCA voting!!! and the #Junos!! LEGGO! thanks" 3:26 PM

Justin Bieber and Jaxon in Spain
justinbieber "miss him already :)" 3:26 PM


  • Justin Bieber in the studio.


tstrahle "@NasriWorld Great meeting you tonight!" 12:05 AM (Pacific Time (US))

tstrahle "@AdamMessinger_ Great meeting you tonight!" 12:07 AM

YeshuaTheGudwin "@NasriWorld @justinbieber working on some beautiful music! http://yfrog.com/oezf0lij" 12:12 AM

NasriWorld "@justinbieber just left the studio!! Great session with @AdamMessinger_" 12:13 AM

justinbieber "#realrecords" 12:42 AM

justinbieber "ready for this. #11DAYS" 12:45 AM

justinbieber "put your all into it or dont do it." 12:46 AM

933FLZ "Listening to new music from @justinbieber "If I Were Your Boyfriend" which will be released Monday." 9:26 AM

justinbieber "@theEllenShow @carlyraejepsen next week...im in" 11:55 AM

tstrahle "@justinbieber That guitar solo was pretty dope. I have to admit." 12:03 PM

justinbieber "#pranksterontheLOOOOSE - http://youtu.be/n7DCv6f4gto" 4:17 PM

justinbieber "doubt us? good - #11DAYS" 4:21 PM

YeshuaTheGudwin "Some great writing tonight! http://instagr.am/p/IL6KOYsmmE/" 1:19 AM

justinbieber "@YeshuaTheGudwin more to come tonight. #studio" 4:22 PM

tstrahle "@Etibbsss Justin says "hi"." 5:01 PM

Etibbsss "@tstrahle hi Justin :))))" 5:02 PM

tstrahle "@YeshuaTheGudwin @justinbieber You makame sound soooo good!" 6:56 PM

AlfredoFlores "We all took a 5 second moment of silence in the studio to scream #10DAYS!!!! #BOYFRIEND" 10:33 PM


  • Justin Bieber unveils his wax work at Madame Tussauds in London, England.
  • Justin Bieber leaving his hotel.
  • Justin Bieber signing his dolls at Hamleys.


justinbieber "#YouInspireMe" 12:03 AM (London)

yaelkanter "Amazing first show at the O2! Can't wait for the next 2. @justinbiber , u killed it tonight! Oh, and you too @dankanter ." 1:40 AM

justinbieber "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5Jw-T4dVss" 9:16 AM

justinbieber "@scooterbraun they even got your mickey mouse t-shirt. kinda creepy but funny. nice @usherraymondiv solo. lol. #scooterbraunthemesong" 12:42 PM

justinbieber "ok...got to do school. i love school. it is so much fun to sit and do school. i love it so much. I love school. http://youtu.be/wgvwfvTcNl0" 12:46 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/qdDVtFvJwUc" 12:51 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/3ExWsVFJlFo" 12:53 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/LXUSaVw3Mvk" 12:54 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/_Z5-P9v3F8w" 12:56 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/CHVhwcOg6y8" 12:57 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/kffacxfA7G4" 12:59 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/r2ozuCXpVJY" 12:59 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/eGmudzcq6M8" 1:00 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/SOI4OF7iIr4" 1:00 PM

justinbieber "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5Jw-T4dVss" 1:01 PM

justinbieber "arrived at @tussaudslondon to see my WAX figure!! the 1st time i saw a wax figure was in nyc and all we could do was look thru the glass" 4:19 PM

justinbieber "now we are here in London and they r about to show my figure here and in amsterdam and in nyc at the one we looked thru the glass. #DREAMBIG" 4:22 PM

AlfredoFlores "Just left @tussaudslondon where JB got his wax figure revealed.. Pretty tight. Oh and I saw Obama too!" 5:12 PM

Justin Bieber with wax figure

justinbieber "look right over there. they think we know eachother... http://plixi.com/p/84220549"5:34 PM via Plixi

Justin with his wax figure

justinbieber "TWINS! lol http://plixi.com/p/84220955" 5:36 PM via Plixi

Justin with his mom and wax figure

justinbieber "knew @studiomama had more kids! me and my mom and lil bro http://plixi.com/p/84221484" 5:39 PM via Plixi

AlfredoFlores "@ShakiraCarranza I did take a few snapshots.. Justin just tweeted them. Check em out." 5:41 PM

ShaineDawson "Omg 2 of @justinbieber? The world couldn't be better hahaha" 5:41 PM

AlfredoFlores "@ShaineDawson Actually 4 Justin Biebers.. One in London, one in Amsterdam and one in New York's Wax Museum. Oh and the real one lol" 5:42 PM

justinbieber "just saw a crazy #mashup with #neversaynever and @TinieTempah - since we are in the UK i gotta show love" 6:30 PM

justinbieber "i think @TinieTempah should get back to the UK and we could do this on stage at the O2...next time - http://youtu.be/dqb8kl-f8HQ" 6:31 PM

TinieTempah "@justinbieber Hahaha much love bro! I'm in the U.S representing too.. Heard the Tours going crazy! Link up real soon! :-)" 6:51 PM

justinbieber "UK #mashup - NEVER SAY NEVER is WRITTEN IN THE STARS - @justinbieber @officialjaden @TinieTempah - http://youtu.be/dqb8kl-f8HQ" {https://twitter.com/justinbieber/status/47727167232151554 6:33 PM]

SimrinPlayer "Oh my gosh! Just got back from Hamley's Toy Store with @justinbieber , @officialjaden , and @OfficialWillow and the Warriorettes! So FUNNNN!" 10:48 PM


  • Justin Bieber at Chelsea Piers in New York City, NY.
  • Justin Bieber in New York City.


NRJ "Tu veux faire partie des privilégiés qui viendront écouter en exclusivité le nouvel album de Justin Bieber "My Worlds"! Envoie tes coordonnées à : jeveuxecouterjustin@nrj.com avant le 18 mars 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4" 10:56 AM (Eastern Time (US))


justinbieber "Goodnight world...this was the first song I ever recorded...Dreams do come true- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skLVCi_Badk" 1:35 AM (Eastern Time (US))

Power106LA "When you hear..Pitbill f. Lil Jon- "The Anthem":...B CALLER #10 818-520-1059.. @JustinBieber #BackstageBreakfast w/. @RadioBigBoy , @Power106LA" 10:08 AM

chattyman "This week's guests in penultimate #chattyman of the series! Big David Haye; little Justin Bieber plus Florence + the Machine. Yay! :) Sam x" 10:28 AM

justinbieber "Late night fast food was not a good idea....bad stomachache this morning. haha. Gonna go try and play some bball. then @z100newyork 2nite" 12:03 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "Less than 12 hours until U SMILE hits ITUNES!!" 12:13 PM via web

RealSway "Intv #snoop and #justin bieber tomorrow. Any questions you want to know?" 3:14 PM

douglassonders "Setting up for my photoshoot with #Justinbieber today @BieberChicago @bieberarmy" 3:17 PM

justinbieber "Just finished playing bball, soccer and hockey at this really cool place called Blue Streak in nyc. Gonna go hit the showers then showtime" 3:32 PM via UberTwitter

justinbieber "meet and greet then listening party here in nyc with @z100nyc ...everyone call and request BABY so I can come to ur local station. thanks" 5:16 PM via web

justinbieber "RT @SolTBieber: @justinbieber 7 hours!" 5:16 PM via web

justinbieber retweets Justinettes "@justinbieber cant wait smile and my world part 2! so much to look forward too, ilove you justin" 5:16 PM

justinbieber retweets EmmiieKathryn "i love how...seeing @justinbieber 's retweets makes me smile..even tho he will never retweet me.. but thanks for making me smile again jb x" 5:21 PM via web

hoogs "Checking out @justinbieber's performance at 32aoa, thanks to @jeannaho and @scooterbraun" 6:29 PM

GabbySchwartz "With @justinbieber Z100...life is good with @kennyhamilton and @julesf . http://tweetphoto.com/14539142" 6:46 PM

abadchris "Hey folks! Come watch us perform live w/ @justinbieber at his @Z100NewYork listening party! www.z100.com -- sometime between now & 9pm EST!" 7:23 PM

dankanter "Z100 My World 2.0 listening party!" 8:00 PM

TRAVMBB "With My Bro @seankingston Headed to the Show with @justinbieber its about to be Crazyyyyyyyyy.....Eennie Minnee Moooeee Loverr" 8:21 PM

TRAVMBB "Shit was Crazy my Bro @seankingston and my homie @justinbieber Tore it Downnnnn NYC wats Goooodddd" 9:03 PM

dankanter "Just performed Eenie Meenie acoustic with @justinbieber @seankingston and Legaci on z100" 9:20 PM

justinbieber "Great show tonight...less than 2 HOURS until U SMILE!!! Let's go for #1 on ITUNES! Thank u all" 10:13 PM via UberTwitter

abadchris "Had an amazing time performing "Eenie Meenie" w/ @justinbieber and @seankingston at the @Z100NewYork party! Stay tuned for JB's new album!" 10:21 PM

justinbieber "U SMILE is one of the best songs I have ever recorded. It really is a throwback to the great records i listened to growing up..." 10:37 PM via web

justinbieber "I wrote it for all my fans who got me here. U took me from a small town in Canada to this amazing opportunity I am living now... 10:38 PM via web

justinbieber "I am so grateful for everything and so blessed for all of your support. I wrote U SMILE with my friend August with that in mind..." 10:39 PM via web

justinbieber "So this one is for U. Enjoy it and know that u the fans give me my strength in alot of this. when U SMILE I SMILE. thank u. luv yah

10:39 PM via web

justinbieber "RT @JBiebsShawty46: U Smile hits iTunes in almost a hour!!!!!! Cmon everybody...let's do this for @justinbieber! Make it #1!!!!" [1] via web

justinbieber "RT @MrsRachelBieber: Everybdy who doesnt buy "U Smile" on ITunes iz gonna get a visit by Chuck Norris....!" [2] via web

justinbieber retweets WeBeliebInJBieb "Let's make @justinbieber smile and get U SMILE to the #1 spot on iTunes!" 10:59 PM via web

justinbieber "RT @FashionistaNai: @justinbieber I lyk that ur new song is titled Smile cuz when I saw u @ ur concert u brought the biggest smile 2my f ..." [3] via web

justinbieber retweets BieberGroupie' "u smile on iTunes, ONE HOUR, intensity, bieberblast?! chuck norris would... for @justinbieber" 10:59 PM via web

justinbieber retweets bieber_fever_13 "hey everyone we need to make smile,and baby #1 on all the charts on i tunes come on we can do it for him!! @justinbieber ILY!!<3" 10:59 PM via web

justinbieber "RT @MyWorldPartt2 @justinbieber I bet you're sitting there reading our tweets and smiling.(: === YEP :)" 11:54 PM via web

justinbieber "Less than 5 MINUTES until U SMILE!!" 11:57 PM via web




prettyboifresh5 "@yezir LOL..yeah I actually like this twitter thing..LOL" 2:12 AM (Estern Tme (US & Canada))
