Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber in Dublin, Ireland.

  • Justin Bieber at Everleigh Garden.


justinbieber "Ireland the #BELIEVEtour is back and in EUROPE! Leggo!" 3:33 PM (Dublin)

justinbieber "im in the building dublin" 6:01 PM


  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez spending time with Justin's family on the beach in Malibu, CA.


justinbieber "worked out with the new trainer this morning. Hard work. We got goals. Gonna go hard" 12:35 PM (Pacific Time (US))

AlfredoFores "Call Me Maybe? @ashleytisdale @selenagomez @Thecarlospena @sammydroke @justinbieber !!" 10:54 PM

justinbieber makin a SMASH right now with @only1darkchild - bringing back that real SOUL. #realmusic #BELIEVE" 11:17 PM via Twitter Web Client

ONLY1DARKCHILD "Amazed at @justinbieber 's vocal growth! Dude is in here killin' it!!!" 11:19 PM


  • Justin Bieber on 50 Minutes Inside.
  • Justin Bieber on NRJ in Paris, France.


Tune Talk "Win Justin Bieber tickets everyday this February!! Top Up RM50 and above and send a text to 7777 to tell us why you deserve the tickets. For Tune Talk subscribers only...so Turn On your Tune Talk Sim cards now!" 9:29 AM (Paris)
Rolling Stone March 3, 2011

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Justin Bieber en couverture du magazine Rolling Stone !" 10:32 AM

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Ce soir , rendez-vous au Grand Rex à Paris pour l'AVANT-PREMIÈRE du film Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR avec la présence exceptionnelle de Justin Bieber en personne !!!" 3:40 PM

Fans waiting for NSN premiere Paris

NRJ "Plus qu'une heure avant l'arrivée de Justin, Les beliebers commencent à affluer devant les studios! Y en a t-il d'autres parmi vous qui veulent venir nous rejoindre?" 3:48 PM

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Les Beliebers devant le siège de NRJ ! Impressionnant !!!" 4:01 PM
Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "La grande avant-première du film en présence de Justin Bieber a lieu en ce moment même, retrouvez dès demain matin toutes les photos et vidéos !" 9:56 PM


Justin Bieber and Usher Feb 2011

justinbieber "Paris with the big bro @UsherRaymondIV - #NeverSayNever3D European TakeOver!! http://plixi.com/p/77914677" 12:18 AM (Paris)

justinbieber "ahhh the power of mood music...haha @georgelopez - http://youtu.be/ws-a86e1M0I" 12:58 AM

justinbieber "@usherraymondiv is a great friend and great mentor...blessed to have him in my life. Kill it in LONDON buddy. I will hold down Paris for u." 2:26 AM

justinbieber "PARIS...the city of love. goodnight" 2:26 AM

UsherRaymondIV "@justinbieber i know you'll hold down Paris #europeantakeover" 7:21 AM

SandQuetierOff "Bonjour bonjour !!! Le soleil brille a Paris !!! J-2 avant DALS... Tournage de Inside cet aprem... Bonne Journee a tous!!!" 9:39 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "who was at the O2 last night check if your in our pics http://on.fb.me/eez6b0 or re live the amazing premiere here http://on.fb.me/ecwC8Z" 10:47 AM

Craig David at NSN premiere London

NeverSayNeverUK "@Craigdavid at the #Neversaynever European premiere for @justinbieber thanks for letting us take a pic http://twitpic.com/40oidr" 11:05 AM

SoundgirlHQ "Had an amazing time last night at @justinbieber 's premier for #neversaynever It was amazingggg. Who's gonna watch it?? :) Nikki xx" 11:06 AM

Alesha Dixon at NSN premiere London

NeverSayNeverUK "the lovely @AleshaOfficial at the #Neversaynever European premiere for @justinbieber thanks staying for a pic http://twitpic.com/40oj9d" 11:09 AM

Scooter Braun at NSN premiere London

NeverSayNeverUK "@scooterbraun at the #Neversaynever European premiere for @justinbieber awesome dude http://twitpic.com/40ojrs" 11:11 AM

Justin Bieber with Jessie J

NeverSayNeverUK "@justinbieber @jessiejofficial at the #Neversaynever European premiere last night at the O2 http://twitpic.com/40omes" 11:22 AM

Bieber NSN premiere London 2011

NeverSayNeverUK "@justinbieber at the #Neversaynever European premiere last night at the O2 #purpleglasses http://twitpic.com/40ompk" 11:23 AM

jonmchu "I saw London, I see France. Now let's do the Chu Chu dance. 11:37 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "@jonmchu so good to see you last night #neversayneveruk" 11:37 AM

louisabooth "Ohh no! @crazy_Russian is ill." 11:46 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "@louisabooth did you enjoy the film last night?" 11:47 AM

adambombshow "@justinbieber on at 6:20am today.. i 93 Hits Dallas" 12:59 PM

justinbieber "yesterday LONDON Premiere for #NSN3D was crazy! - http://youtu.be/Qmd2w305TAk" 2:32 PM

justinbieber "now today in PARIS at the Rex at 6 we do it all over again. #NSN3DFrenchPremiere - Je t'aime mon amour" 2:33 PM

justinbieber "making my return 2nite on CSI .... http://www.wtma.com/rssItem.asp?feedid=115&itemid=29634528" 3:04 PM

justinbieber "what is your favorite track on #NSNremixes ?? - http://bit.‏ly/fX4qVw" 3:08 PM

NeverSayNeverUK "a great story from last night http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/film/3415965/Never-Say-Never-again-for-Biebs.html" 3:23 PM

justinbieber "issued Greeny a 4 sport challenge on @mikeandmike ...he is in trouble...if I win he has to buy out a theatre of #NSN3D for everyone he knows" 3:35 PM

justinbieber "gonna break out the old skills. i was young here. GREENY YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!! lol. everyone talk trash to @mikeandmike . let's have some fun" 3:43 PM

justinbieber "http://youtu.be/YlKXbJh3Lpo" 3:43 PM

justinbieber "ok..back to biz...PARIS premiere day for #NSN3D . LEGGO!!" 3:46 PM

heychrisvacher "http://youtu.be/sGFokNDgCqM Justin Bieber & Diddy on Jimmy Kimmel - this is actually pretty fascinating." 4:19 PM

justinbieber "my buddy Nikos is hosting the #NSN3D premiere with me in PARIS today...folllow him at @nikosofficiel for details" 4:41 PM

nikosofficiel "@justinbieber on nrj right now.. Justin est passe sur le plateau de 50 m inside.. Vous le verrez samedi on tf1!" 4:48 PM

nikosofficiel "Paris, now @justinbieber http://twitpic.com/40rna7" 4:59 PM

SandQuetierOff "Grosse surprise sur le plateau de Inside pour l émission de samedi..." 5:00 PM

HeyUGuys "The Justin Bieber: Never Say Never European Premiere – Our Report & Video Interviews http://goo.gl/fb/ru70E" 6:03 PM

Justin Bieber - Never Say Never UK poster giveaway

NeverSayNeverUK "Awesome comp prizes RT@luucybieberr thankyou so much again, my poster arrived today and I'm loving it :) http://twitpic.com/40rz45" 6:11 PM

NeverSayNeverUK "Never Say Never is released tomorrow (woohoo), we have two new video clips to get you excited here is the first one http://on.fb.me/e2snXi" 6:29 PM

NeverSayNeverUK "And just cos we like to spoil you, here is @Justinbieber on @Daybreak http://bit.‏ly/fq37eb" 6:30 PM

NeverSayNeverUK "*AND* OK TV on Channel 5 will be reporting from last nights premiere tune in at 6:25pm" 6:30 PM

justinbieber "gettin ready to go over to the PARIS #NSN3D PREMIERE at the REX!!" 6:32 PM

Justin at NSN premiere Paris

nikosofficiel "Paris, now Never say never premiere http://twitpic.com/40swhl http://twitpic.com/40swhi" 7:25 PM

WendySzurminski "Attention Sandrine tu vas te mettre a dos tous les fans de Justin LOL  //// RT @SandQuetierOff Cet Apres midi http://yfrog.com/h6wzjppj" 7:39 PM

SandQuetierOff "@WendySzurminski naaaaan!!!! Un bon vieux hug a l américaine... Enfin... A la canadienne!!!!" 7:42 PM

justinbieber "looks like the @mikeandmike challenge is on! - http://es.pn/eciwHk" <10:37 PM

justinbieber "PARIS Premiere of #NSN3D was INSANE!! vid coming soon!! je t'aime" 10:39 PM

justinbieber "everyone back home make sure to tune in to CSI tonight!! Jason McCann is BACK!! #badass" 10:39 PM

justinbieber "the response around the world to #NEVERSAYNEVER3D is amazing. we want the movie to inspire people to go after their dreams." 10:57 PM

justinbieber "who is bringing friends this weekend?? #NSN3D" 10:58 PM




NRJ "La gagnante du concours Justin Bieber est Bintou Silver Andros D'inca. Elle gagne deux places pour assister au concert NRJ de Justin, une casquette dédicacée, un poster et une carte ITunes. Bravo ! Rendez-vous demain pour un nouveau mot mystére ! NRJ HIT MUSIC ONLY !!!" 11:03 AM (Eastern Time (US))


AlfredoFlores "@KennyHamilton Congrats on the baby Kenny! Justin told me at six flags..!! So happy for you!" 4:43 AM (Eastern Time (US))

MOViN997 "#JustinBieber @JustinBieber photos and video from last nights Justin Bieber Experience link: http://ping.fm/Q4PMw" 12:35 PM

jessicajarrell "aaahh! been busy lol went to @justinbieber concert! School Gyrls premiere was amazing!! cant wait 4 u guys 2 c it!!!!! :)" 3:20 PM

justinbieber "sorry been gone all day. been on a plane doing school the whole ride. cool way to get in my education. Reading is fundamental. nice" 6:13 PM from web
