Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber in Los Angeles, CA.


  • Justin Bieber at Hyde in West Hollywood, CA on Monday night.


djsnake "Dj Snake Feat R.Kelly "Let Me Love You" Remix OUT NOW !!! http://smarturl.it/LMLYRKellyRmx.rt - @rkelly" 7:39 AM (Pacific Time (US))





PierreBalian "JB just pulled up tho. #shotstoydrive" 4:21 PM (Pacific Time (US & Canada))



Tyga "Catch premiere of my #WaitForAMinute video w @justinbieber now on @accesshollywood .com WATCH: http://bit.‏ly/IYQcCc" 11:13 AM (Pacific Time (US))

Tyga "Make sure yall watch @AccessHollywood tonight too. They got exclusive behind the scenes from me and @justinbieber video #checklocallistings #waitforaminute" 11:17 AM



cameronrouth "Spent the evening with some great people: @AllisonKaye @scooterbraun @justinbieber @jonmchu @hoogs @MatrixMel" 12:52 AM (Pacific Time (US))

KrystalBee "You heard it live!!! @justinbieber said he's going to give me a drum set for Krysmas!!! #Believe 😜 #BigBoysNeighborhood #JustinBigBoy106" 7:37 AM

Tyga "Wait for a minute Video http://youtube.com/watch?v=xkL1PCBI9sQ @justinbieber @tyga" 11:31 AM

SageTheGemini "OFFICIAL REMIX!!!
@SageTheGemini "Gas Pedal" remix featuring @JustinBieber and @iamsu available on @itunes now ... http://tmi.me/1d54dO" 9:07 PM



Luis Ibarra Alatorre "Big Boy has Justin Bieber tickets for YOU or your KID at 7:20am. Make your kid happy like this little girl in the pic. LOL Win them at 7:20am in Big Boy's Neighborhood on Power 106 Los Angeles! How do you win them? Find out at 7:20am on Power 106FM!" 6:47 AM (Pacific Time (US))


justinbieber "that time of the year https://youtu.be/LUjn3RpkcKY" 12:16 PM (Pacific Time (US))



justinbieber "tv's this week-ITV special on TLC (21st), Special on CBS (21st), X Factor Finale (22nd), Special on CTV (22nd), Christmas Day Parade! #LEGGO" 10:17 AM (Pacific Time (US))

justinbieber "gonna actually go buy the #UnderTheMistletoe album today for everyone as one of their gifts. #GREATGIFTfortheHolidays" 10:19 AM

Justin with Jay Z Kanye Kid Kudi Tyler The Creator

justinbieber "#SWAG" 8:16 PM


  • Justin Bieber in Tampa, FL on Sunday.
  • Justin Bieber doing a photo shoot.
  • Justin Bieber performing during his My World Tour at St. Pete Times Forum.


KennyHamilton "Played basketball after the show on the Heat practice court...me, @LilTwist @JustinBieber & @ScooterBraun got our butts kicked!" 1:01 AM (Eastern Time (US))

justinbieber "concert...incredible...hooping on the practice court...swag 1:11 AM

justinbieber "@kingjames and @dwadeofficial and @chrisbosh I left u guys a gameplan in the locker room. Pass Bieber the Rock. focus fellas...focus" 1:13 AM

justinbieber "MIAMI...thank you as always. Muchas Gracias mis chicas" 1:14 AM

justinbieber "#PassBieberTheRock" 1:21 AM

AlfredoFlores "Johnny Depp came to the show tonight and is by far one of the coolest dudes ever... Such a great guy!! #swag" 1:58 AM

AlfredoFlores "#passbiebertherock probably one of the greatest game plays.... ever." 2:02 AM

ollgbelieber "@alfredoflores Fredo, thank you so much for everything! I met you today, TATTOO girl, look at my display pik, hope u remember me" 2:03 AM

AlfredoFlores "@ollgbelieber haha yes even JB shouted you out!! yuppp" 2:06 AM

BIEBERSmine4eva "@AlfredoFlores what does #PassBieberTheRock mean?" 2:06 AM

AlfredoFlores "@BIEBERSmine4eva If I told ya, I would have to kill ya.. and I'm thinking you want to live.. plus I'm not tryna kill." 2:07 AM

justinbieber "@thatrygood take that. take that. take that" 11:13 AM

justinbieber "I love @RascalFlatts and Im honored that they are making music with me - http://bit.‏ly/hkrLoG" 11:21 AM

justinbieber "and for those that dont know...they have great records like this one. #GREATMUSIC - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFov8bSRtZw" 11:23 AM

adambombshow "@justinbieber Fiever starts up again on @Q100atlanta & the Adam Bomb Show at 12 p today 404 741 Q100" 11:47 AM

pattiemallette "So not fair!!!!! I want to meet him too!!! Johnny Depp is a beast! RT @Michael_Vargas: So I met my favorite (cont) http://tl.gd/7iu7se" 12:28 PM

pattiemallette "Not even fair!!!! RT @wewantrampage: Shout out to Johnny Depp for hangin out at the @justinbieber concert with (cont) http://tl.gd/7iubjm" 12:36 PM

robertcaplin "Off to a secret jb shoot. Shhhhhhh...." 12:58 PM

SnoopDogg "Me n the homies @Kenny_Mayne @johnlegend @justinbieber goin platinum with the #Peytondance" 1:49 PM

adambombshow "Win @Q100atlanta @justinbieber tickets at 345pm 404 741 Q100 (9100)" 2:29 PM

BertShowBert "Win tix to @justinbieber at 7:30am tomorrow am on the Bert Show." 2:40 PM

AlfredoFlores "@BieberTeamNY : STOP DROP AND ROLL! <-- the fact that you tweet this right now - the moment I am editing Justin saying this - is epic." 2:53 PM

JASMINEVILLEGAS "3 more shows left... wow time flies!! I feel like it was just yesterday I was doing the first show in Canada..!! <3" 3:22 PM

adambombshow "Win @Q100atlanta @justinbieber tickets at 345pm & 5:45pm on The Adam Bomb Show 404 741 Q100 (9100)" 3:34 PM

robertcaplin "JB shoot complete. Thanks @melissalyttle for the restaurant recommendation, good food & atmosphere...highly recommend The Colombia in Tampa" 4:05 PM

justinbieber "Me and @liltwist Be #spoonswaggin yawww." 6:18 PM

Justin Bieber hanging out with Lil Twist 2010

justinbieber "#spoonswaggin http://twitpic.com/3hl1q5" 6:26 PM via Twitpic

Justin Bieber hanging out with Lil Twist December 2010

justinbieber "#spoonswaggin YAHH http://twitpic.com/3hl22l" 6:28 PM via Twitpic

Lil Twist and Justin Bieber fighting with spoons

justinbieber "DIEEEE #spoonswaggin http://twitpic.com/3hl28v" 6:28 PM via Twitpic

Lil Twist and Justin Bieber holding a spoon

justinbieber "nobody Knows i mean nose #spoonswaggin http://twitpic.com/3hl2h5" 6:29 PM via Twitpic

Lil Twist and Justin fighting with spoons

justinbieber "AHHHHHHH spoonswagginnnnn #spoonswaggin http://twitpic.com/3hl33f" 6:31 PM via Twitpic

eft justinbieber "MAKE #spoonswaggin TREND YEHAHHHHHH http://twitpic.com/3hl4a6" 6:35 PM via Twitpic

Justin Bieber with Selena Gomez 2010

justinbieber "#Spoonswaggin YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH http://twitpic.com/3hl5g9" 6:39 PM via Twitpic

justinbieber "@iamdiddy im gonna teach you how to start #spoonswaggin" 6:41 PM via Twitter Web Client

Spoonswaggin trending

justinbieber "#spoonswaggin is trending... Spoonswag http://twitpic.com/3hl6dy" 6:42 PM via Twitpic

Alfredo, Kenny and Justin

justinbieber "#spoonswaggin @kennyhamilton http://twitpic.com/3hl92a" 6:51 PM via Twitpic

KennyHamilton "#Spoonswaggin" 6:52 PM

Justin Bieber and Dan Kanter holding a spoon

justinbieber "Spooning with @dankanter Kidding just #spoonswaggin http://twitpic.com/3hl9st" 6:54 PM via Twitpic

justinbieber "#spoonswaggin w @alfredoflores @liltwist @kennyhamilton leggggoo" 7:06 PM

AlfredoFlores "Hahah #spoonswaggin and #forkswaggin are TT's #beastmode!!" 7:54 PM

Jon M. Chu spoonswaggin

jonmchu "#spoonswaggin at the @Justinbieber Movie mix.... Hollywood representin the spwag movement. http://twitpic.com/3hm3v8" 7:35 PM

Front row spoonswaggin

robertcaplin "Front row #spoonswaggin. http://twitpic.com/3hmwtv" 10:17 PM

Audience spoonswaggin
AlfredoFlores "The audience #spoonswaggin at the @justinbieber show! http://twitpic.com/3hnicf" 11:23 PM


  • Justin Bieber performs during Radio Disney concert at Celebration Town Center.


justinbieber "FLorida sunshine...colder here than i thought though" 12:20 PM (Eastern Time (US)) via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "yep the golden tix are still out there. might be under someone's tree though, or in a store. who knows. maybe u will find it." 12:24 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "Special news...This TUESDAY...going to release an exclusive unplugged christmas version of ONE TIME on ITUNES!! spread the word. thanks" 12:41 PM via Twitter Web Client

thatrygood "Just rode space mountain with @scooterbraun @justinbieber @kennyhamilton and all sorts of other very happy and pleased disney guests" 2:58 PM

Power106LA "@kia_bieber U know to tune in Sun AM 2 hear JUSTIN BIEBER host the Countdown 8 am on Power 106 baby! RT and tell ur Bieber friends.." 5:44 PM


justinbieber "resting up b4 the performance in CELEBRATION, FL 2nite. went to Space Mountain with @scooterbraun and @kennyhamilton 2day...epic" 6:00 PM via Twitter Web Client

thatrygood "Nothin creepy about this http://tweetphoto.com/6769019" 4:26 PM

justinbieber "@thatrygood why does Disney World and Space Mountain make @scooterbraun act like a 7 year old. haha http://tweetphoto.com/6769019" 6:02 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "WOW...that show was sick!! Thousands holding their cell phones in the air. That was my first time trying that one. Thank you Florida!!" 9:08 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "movie. Bed. wake up. tulsa. Awsome." 9:45 PM via Twitter Web Client