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- Justin Bieber Los Angeles, CA.
- Justin Bieber in the studio.
- Bain, Katie (March 11, 2021). "Inside Justin Bieber’s New World: Therapy, Date Nights and Delivering ‘Justice’". Billboard.
- "“Justin Quiz” to commemorate the new release has started!" (in Japanese). Universal Music Japan. February 19, 2020.
- "The latest album “Changes” has reached number 1 in 85 countries around the world! A new remix of “Yummy” is also available in the new music video release! Justin quiz project also appears in the 24-hour listening project!" (in Japanese). Universal Music Japan. February 19, 2020.
- Justin Bieber on Ellen.
justinbieber "I think today was our best hang out yet. @TheEllenShow u got me. Lol" 6:14 PM (Pacific Time (US)) via Twitter for iPhone
TheEllenShow "Yeah I did. RT @justinbieber: I think today was our best hang out yet. @TheEllenShow u got me. Lol" 7:29 PM
justinbieber "Dance rehearsal. Guitar practice. Workouts. Voice strengthening. Studio writing sessions. Always working to get better. Work hard. Be great" 10:04 AM (Eastern Time (US)) via Twitter for iPhone
- "Justin Bieber -- Rents Famous ATL Spaceship Mansion". TMZ. February 19, 2014.
- Justin Bieber recording “All About The Magic” in Dublin, Ireland in his hotel room.
- Jusitn Bieber at an Indian cuisine restaurant Mint Leaf for a late dinner at 9:45 PM.
- Justin Bieber at The Langham Hotel.
- Justin Bieber at Amika Nightclub, Beat club and finally BLC Club.
- ↳ justinbieber "@NickDeMoura better than great" 2:25 AM
AlfredoFlores "What a show!! Now back at the hotel watching @justinbieber and @YeshuaTheGudwin create magic! #StayMotivated" 12:56 AM
AlfredoFlores "@toxicsavon The arena in Dublin was too narrow. The wings couldn't fit but rest assured the wings will be back in the UK! #Questions4Alfredo" 1:57 AM
justinbieber "#Dublin reading all the comments ....THANK YOU. #BELIEVEtour" 2:26 AM
justinbieber "If u wanna be great you gotta put in the work. #stayfocused #hardwork" 2:28 AM
justinbieber "2 years later here in Ireland still rippin sleeves! haha @alfredoflores #ripmysleeves -shoutout to @officialjaden - http://viddy.com/video/8a591631" 3:09 AM
ontariosmelody "What rippin sleeves gotta do with still being kidrauhl lol" 3:13 AM
- ↳ justinbieber "@ontariosmelody so much. so so much. haha. #ripmysleeves" 3:14 AM
TheWideboys "FEM Live My Life Wideboys Remix Radio Edit: http://youtu.be/tHfxUcRCfqs?a via @YouTube" 12:41 PM
justinbieber "sing it @KingJames !n haha http://youtube.com/watch?v=weFyE_Kl3HE" 5:50 PM
justinbieber "nice! 4 nominations for the @TheJUNOAwards and @carlyraejepsen got 5. Everyone get ready to vote! #CANADA" 5:53 PM
justinbieber "loving the UK" 5:53 PM
AlfredoFlores "It's all about the magic 💫" 9:16 PM
justinbieber "New single off of #BELIEVE ?? The next single u should blast up the iTunes Chart & request at radio?? I'm thinking #RightHere feat @Drake" 11:42 PM
justinbieber "So next Tuesday #7days plan on blasting #RightHere feat Drizzy @Drake up the chart! #beliebers and #teambieber go hard. #7days #RightHere" 11:44 PM
justinbieber "Spread the word... #7days ... #RightHere" 11:45 PM
- Toomey, Alyssa; Bromley, Melanie (February 20, 2013). "Justin Bieber's Night Out in London Before the Brit Awards—All the Details!". E! News.
- Justin Bieber and Akon at Chalice Recording Studios in Los Angeles, CA.
- ↳ ONLY1DARKCHILD "@justinbieber For Sure!!!! They will #BELIEVE" 1:07 AM
justinbieber "heard Lin was killin it in NYC today. dude is the like the NEVER SAY NEVER of bball. lovin it." 4:18 PM
justinbieber "WHAT?!! 2 years ago today we put out the BABY video. so much has happened since then. All because of u guys. thank you. I LOVE U #Beliebers" 4:20 PM
Biebersrecord "@justinbieber AAAAAAAH! I JUST LISTENED TO YOUR NEW ALBUM! YOU DID A GREAT JOB!!!! #believeisamazing" 4:20 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@Biebersrecord the prank doesnt work if you leave the instructions to it on your twitter. #getYourPrankGameUp" 4:21 PM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber retweets Biebersrecord "@KidrauhlAddicts http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzny87LoTz1qefqzao1_500.jpg" 4:17 PM
carlyraejepsen "Flight to LA is booked. Heading down Monday to meet the team. Never been to LA before. Excited!" 12:54 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "so @carlyraejepsen see u in LA this week! I heard there are ALOT of people excited about you coming. #CallMeMaybe - http://youtube.com/watch?v=AsBsBU3vn6M" 4:24 PM
- Justin Bieber in the studio in Los Angeles, CA.
Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Quand Justin vient à Paris, c'est rock n'roll !!! https://www.nerienlouper.fr/32976-justin-bieber-a-casse-une-guitare-en-interview-chez-nikos-regardez/" 4:08 AM (Pacific Time (US))
Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Et le journal de TF1 hier soir 🙂 http://videos.tf1.fr/jt-we/rencontre-avec-justin-bieber-6284795.html" 4:26 AM
Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Enfin, ne ratez pas 50 Minutes Inside aujourd'hui ! Sommaire : https://www.paperblog.fr/4176301/50-mn-inside-sur-tf1-avec-justin-bieber-aujourd-hui-bande-annonce/ " 4:50 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "@MissEmilyJ new link now working thanks" 3:08 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "I will never say never (I will fight), I will fight till forever (make it right)..." 3:19 AM
common "Man yall trippin! It was a lil move. Tell em @justinbieber . RT @PeterJaysin : Cant beleive @Common got crossed by @JustinBieber #CmonMan" 9:42 AM
justinbieber "good morning world" 10:28 AM
justinbieber "still buggin that i was coached by the legend @magicjohnson - http://twitpic.com/41a6uj" 10:29 AM
justinbieber "im sorry @common but u did get crossed. haha. the vid doesnt lie- http://youtu.be/NKy61iWbmoQ" 10:45 AM
MagicJohnson "Amazing! RT @ochocinco awesome --> RT @justinbieber : still buggin that i was coached by the legend @magicjohnson - http://twitpic.com/41a6uj" 10:50 AM
justinbieber "pretty cool - http://youtu.be/mkDbTEemErA" 10:54 AM
AlfredoFlores "But imagine playing Xbox with @justinbieber or @AlfredoFlores. Lmao I can't. That would be so amazing & incredible" 1:31 AM
AlfredoFlores "@WeLoveAllisonK Xbox with me and @justinbieber.. hmm it's more just like trash talking back and forth to be honest LOL" 11:56 AM
justinbieber "we r so proud of the response to #NEVERSAYNEVER3D ..from fans and non fans and critics the response is incredible! thanks!! #BRING10FRIENDS!" 12:14 PM
justinbieber "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQiTBKJBpF4 - the coaching of @jimmykimmel - the man is a bball genius" 1:20 PM
ksmith215 "So the lil hommie @justinbieber is at my crib right now!!! Lmfao!! Foreal though!" 1:31 PM
AlfredoFlores "@itsryanbutler don't you miss filming music videos on the roof of the hotel with Justin and Me making fun of you? Cmoonn u know u miss it" 2:29 PM
common "Thats some good hollywood editing! LOL!! RT @justinbieber : im sorry @common but u did get crossed. haha. th… (cont) http://deck.ly/~j0BLA" 5:55 PM
- "In the studio with Justin Bieber!". The Official DJ DNA Blogsite!. February 2011.
- Justin Bieber on iChat with Soulja Boy.
- Justin Bieber soundchecking for Pop-Con at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.
- Justin Bieber, Sean Kingston and Trav at the movies and Dave & Buster's.
NRJ "Attention !!!! NRJ t'offre tes places pour le showcase NRJ de justin Bieber Ecoute le mot mystère sur NRJ et laisse le en com sur cette photo. Bonne chance à tous" 8:36 AM
NRJ "Attention il faut etre fan pour gagner ses places pour Justin Bieber. Deviens fan maintenant. http://www.facebook.com/nrjradio" 9:33 AM (Eastern Time (US))
NRJ "Le Gagnant du jour est "Romain Brallet". Il gagne ses places pour le showcase NRJ de justin Bieber + une casquette dédicacée par Justin !!!! Bravo" 10:10 AM
justinbieber "Vid for BABY premiere's 2morrow...I mean 2DAY! hope u guys like it. here's the behind the scenes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLwXE3fY2do" 12:59 AM via Twitter Web Client
souljaboytellem "on ichat with @justinbieber going over this new song for my album lol" 1:18 AM
tinashe_k "YA!! WHAT THE HECK!! ;) RT @HayleyKiyoko : @tinashe_k kinda bummed we aren't in @justinbieber making of the "baby" video..." 1:53 AM
KennyHamilton "Check it out! @JustinBieber 's new video for Baby - http://v.vevo.com/6LJ" 4:31 AM
justinbieber "ok..getting a break from school for 2 min so i can tweet the video is out...everyone check it out. www.youtube.com/justinbieber" 11:09 AM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "yeah i said it. BABY video is OUT!!!! Check it out www.youtube.com/justinbieber" 11:09 AM via Twitter Web Client
KennyHamilton "All this Tiger Woods talk and Justin Bieber and #babymusicvideo are still trending topics! #BIEBERPOWER Lol..." 11:43 AM
katiecouric "Submit your questons for Justin Bieber! I'm interviewing him today." 12:37 PM
justinbieber "on my way to soundcheck. POPCON 2morrow. coming with my full band...gonna be a good time http://www.thepopcon.com" 4:45 PM
justinbieber "What do you guys think about the Official Video for BABY ???- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4" 4:51 PM via Twitter Web Client
dankanter "At soundcheck for Popcon. http://tweetphoto.com/11894436" 4:59 PM
justinbieber "Now that the vid for BABY is out..every1 please blast it up the TOP TEN on ITUNES and request it at your local radio station. thanks so much" 8:20 PM
TRAVMBB "With my Bro @Seankingston and @justinbieber in the City its going Downnnnn Dooowwwnnnn" 10:35 PM
justinbieber "anyone know how to find Cody?? she deserves a phone call. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCm8tdHkfI" 11:17 PM via Twitter Web Client
AlfredoFlores "@justinbieber http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCm8tdHkfI
godsgirl8494 "@yezir good luck!" 5:54 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))
godsgirl8494 "@yezir my dad registered and paid online for you." 5:57 PM