Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber Los Angeles, CA.


  • Justin Bieber in the studio.






justinbieber "I think today was our best hang out yet. @TheEllenShow u got me. Lol" 6:14 PM (Pacific Time (US)) via Twitter for iPhone

TheEllenShow "Yeah I did. RT @justinbieber: I think today was our best hang out yet. @TheEllenShow u got me. Lol" 7:29 PM



justinbieber "Dance rehearsal. Guitar practice. Workouts. Voice strengthening. Studio writing sessions. Always working to get better. Work hard. Be great" 10:04 AM (Eastern Time (US)) via Twitter for iPhone



  • Jusitn Bieber at an Indian cuisine restaurant Mint Leaf for a late dinner at 9:45 PM.
  • Justin Bieber at The Langham Hotel.
  • Justin Bieber at Amika Nightclub, Beat club and finally BLC Club.


NickDeMoura "Ireland you were great ! #believetour" 11:58 PM (18 Feb - Dublin)
justinbieber "@NickDeMoura better than great" 2:25 AM

AlfredoFlores "What a show!! Now back at the hotel watching @justinbieber and @YeshuaTheGudwin create magic! #StayMotivated" 12:56 AM

AlfredoFlores "@toxicsavon The arena in Dublin was too narrow. The wings couldn't fit but rest assured the wings will be back in the UK! #Questions4Alfredo" 1:57 AM

justinbieber "#Dublin reading all the comments ....THANK YOU. #BELIEVEtour" 2:26 AM

justinbieber "If u wanna be great you gotta put in the work. #stayfocused #hardwork" 2:28 AM

justinbieber "2 years later here in Ireland still rippin sleeves! haha @alfredoflores #ripmysleeves -shoutout to @officialjaden - http://viddy.com/video/8a591631" 3:09 AM

ontariosmelody "What rippin sleeves gotta do with still being kidrauhl lol" 3:13 AM

justinbieber "@ontariosmelody so much. so so much. haha. #ripmysleeves" 3:14 AM

TheWideboys "FEM Live My Life Wideboys Remix Radio Edit: http://youtu.be/tHfxUcRCfqs?a via @YouTube" 12:41 PM

justinbieber "sing it @KingJames !n haha http://youtube.com/watch?v=weFyE_Kl3HE" 5:50 PM

justinbieber "nice! 4 nominations for the @TheJUNOAwards and @carlyraejepsen got 5. Everyone get ready to vote! #CANADA" 5:53 PM

justinbieber "loving the UK" 5:53 PM

AlfredoFlores "It's all about the magic 💫" 9:16 PM

justinbieber "New single off of #BELIEVE ?? The next single u should blast up the iTunes Chart & request at radio?? I'm thinking #RightHere feat @Drake" 11:42 PM

justinbieber "So next Tuesday #7days plan on blasting #RightHere feat Drizzy @Drake up the chart! #beliebers and #teambieber go hard. #7days #RightHere" 11:44 PM

justinbieber "Spread the word... #7days ... #RightHere" 11:45 PM



  • Justin Bieber and Akon at Chalice Recording Studios in Los Angeles, CA.


justinbieber "@ONLY1DARKCHILD gonna make 'em #BELIEVE !" 12:50 AM (Pacific Time (US)) via Twitter Web Client
ONLY1DARKCHILD "@justinbieber For Sure!!!! They will #BELIEVE" 1:07 AM

justinbieber "heard Lin was killin it in NYC today. dude is the like the NEVER SAY NEVER of bball. lovin it." 4:18 PM

justinbieber "WHAT?!! 2 years ago today we put out the BABY video. so much has happened since then. All because of u guys. thank you. I LOVE U #Beliebers" 4:20 PM

Biebersrecord "@justinbieber AAAAAAAH! I JUST LISTENED TO YOUR NEW ALBUM! YOU DID A GREAT JOB!!!! #believeisamazing" 4:20 PM

justinbieber "@Biebersrecord the prank doesnt work if you leave the instructions to it on your twitter. #getYourPrankGameUp" 4:21 PM via Twitter Web Client
Time to prank Justin Bieber

justinbieber retweets Biebersrecord "@KidrauhlAddicts http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzny87LoTz1qefqzao1_500.jpg" 4:17 PM

carlyraejepsen "Flight to LA is booked. Heading down Monday to meet the team. Never been to LA before. Excited!" 12:54 PM

justinbieber "so @carlyraejepsen see u in LA this week! I heard there are ALOT of people excited about you coming. #CallMeMaybe - http://youtube.com/watch?v=AsBsBU3vn6M" 4:24 PM
NickDeMoura "Just left the studio with @justinbieber be on the look out the mans working hard !" 5:51 PM


  • Justin Bieber in the studio in Los Angeles, CA.


Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Quand Justin vient à Paris, c'est rock n'roll !!! https://www.nerienlouper.fr/32976-justin-bieber-a-casse-une-guitare-en-interview-chez-nikos-regardez/" 4:08 AM (Pacific Time (US))

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Et le journal de TF1 hier soir 🙂 http://videos.tf1.fr/jt-we/rencontre-avec-justin-bieber-6284795.html" 4:26 AM

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Enfin, ne ratez pas 50 Minutes Inside aujourd'hui ! Sommaire : https://www.paperblog.fr/4176301/50-mn-inside-sur-tf1-avec-justin-bieber-aujourd-hui-bande-annonce/ " 4:50 AM


NeverSayNeverUK "Who is going to see Never Say Never today? Why not have a Bieber party, download our party pack here http://on.fb.me/dS4s3P" 3:07 AM (Pacific Time (US))

NeverSayNeverUK "@MissEmilyJ new link now working thanks" 3:08 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "I will never say never (I will fight), I will fight till forever (make it right)..." 3:19 AM

common "Man yall trippin! It was a lil move. Tell em @justinbieber . RT @PeterJaysin : Cant beleive @Common got crossed by @JustinBieber #CmonMan" 9:42 AM

justinbieber "good morning world" 10:28 AM

Magic Johnson and Justin Bieber fist bump

justinbieber "still buggin that i was coached by the legend @magicjohnson - http://twitpic.com/41a6uj" 10:29 AM


justinbieber "im sorry @common but u did get crossed. haha. the vid doesnt lie- http://youtu.be/NKy61iWbmoQ" 10:45 AM

Magic Johnson and Justin Bieber fist bump

MagicJohnson "Amazing! RT @ochocinco awesome --> RT @justinbieber : still buggin that i was coached by the legend @magicjohnson - http://twitpic.com/41a6uj" 10:50 AM

justinbieber "pretty cool - http://youtu.be/mkDbTEemErA" 10:54 AM

AlfredoFlores "But imagine playing Xbox with @justinbieber or @AlfredoFlores. Lmao I can't. That would be so amazing & incredible" 1:31 AM

AlfredoFlores "@WeLoveAllisonK Xbox with me and @justinbieber.. hmm it's more just like trash talking back and forth to be honest LOL" 11:56 AM

justinbieber "we r so proud of the response to #NEVERSAYNEVER3D ..from fans and non fans and critics the response is incredible! thanks!! #BRING10FRIENDS!" 12:14 PM

justinbieber "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQiTBKJBpF4 - the coaching of @jimmykimmel - the man is a bball genius" 1:20 PM

ksmith215 "So the lil hommie @justinbieber is at my crib right now!!! Lmfao!! Foreal though!" 1:31 PM

AlfredoFlores "@itsryanbutler don't you miss filming music videos on the roof of the hotel with Justin and Me making fun of you? Cmoonn u know u miss it" 2:29 PM

common "Thats some good hollywood editing! LOL!! RT @justinbieber : im sorry @common but u did get crossed. haha. th… (cont) http://deck.ly/~j0BLA" 5:55 PM



  • Justin Bieber soundchecking for Pop-Con at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.
  • Justin Bieber, Sean Kingston and Trav at the movies and Dave & Buster's.


NRJ Sessions Justin Bieber 2010

NRJ "Attention !!!! NRJ t'offre tes places pour le showcase NRJ de justin Bieber Ecoute le mot mystère sur NRJ et laisse le en com sur cette photo. Bonne chance à tous" 8:36 AM

NRJ "Attention il faut etre fan pour gagner ses places pour Justin Bieber. Deviens fan maintenant. http://www.facebook.com/nrjradio" 9:33 AM (Eastern Time (US))

Justin Bieber name drawing

NRJ "Le Gagnant du jour est "Romain Brallet". Il gagne ses places pour le showcase NRJ de justin Bieber + une casquette dédicacée par Justin !!!! Bravo" 10:10 AM


justinbieber "just been in the studio cutting a song for Haiti from my home country of Canada!! Canadians stand up!! Glad to help make a difference" 12:51 AM (Eastern Time (US)) via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "Vid for BABY premiere's 2morrow...I mean 2DAY! hope u guys like it. here's the behind the scenes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLwXE3fY2do" 12:59 AM via Twitter Web Client

souljaboytellem "on ichat with @justinbieber going over this new song for my album lol" 1:18 AM

tinashe_k "YA!! WHAT THE HECK!! ;) RT @HayleyKiyoko : @tinashe_k kinda bummed we aren't in @justinbieber making of the "baby" video..." 1:53 AM

KennyHamilton "Check it out! @JustinBieber 's new video for Baby - http://v.vevo.com/6LJ" 4:31 AM

justinbieber "ok..getting a break from school for 2 min so i can tweet the video is out...everyone check it out. www.youtube.com/justinbieber" 11:09 AM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "yeah i said it. BABY video is OUT!!!! Check it out www.youtube.com/justinbieber" 11:09 AM via Twitter Web Client

KennyHamilton "All this Tiger Woods talk and Justin Bieber and #babymusicvideo are still trending topics! #BIEBERPOWER Lol..." 11:43 AM

katiecouric "Submit your questons for Justin Bieber! I'm interviewing him today." 12:37 PM

justinbieber "on my way to soundcheck. POPCON 2morrow. coming with my full band...gonna be a good time http://www.thepopcon.com" 4:45 PM

justinbieber "What do you guys think about the Official Video for BABY ???- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4" 4:51 PM via Twitter Web Client

dankanter "At soundcheck for Popcon. http://tweetphoto.com/11894436" 4:59 PM

justinbieber "Now that the vid for BABY is out..every1 please blast it up the TOP TEN on ITUNES and request it at your local radio station. thanks so much" 8:20 PM

TRAVMBB "With my Bro @Seankingston and @justinbieber in the City its going Downnnnn Dooowwwnnnn" 10:35 PM

justinbieber "anyone know how to find Cody?? she deserves a phone call. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCm8tdHkfI" 11:17 PM via Twitter Web Client

AlfredoFlores "@justinbieber http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCm8tdHkfI



godsgirl8494 "@yezir good luck!" 5:54 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))

godsgirl8494 "@yezir my dad registered and paid online for you." 5:57 PM
