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- Justin Bieber at a medical center in Los Angeles, CA.
- Justin Bieber rehearsing for “Yummy” music video at Movement dance studio.
aaroncarter "Listen man. I can’t sit here & just not say anything to that, I’ve been in this industry before he was born. I’ve had harder times and always bounce back. No I’m not Justin Bieber I’m Aaron Carter. I’m also in construction 🚧 I paved the way. These kids have NEVER paid me homage." 12:37 PM (Eastern Time (Canada))
- Justin Bieber meeting Make-A-Wish kids in Bologna, Italy.
djsnake "Honored to have the legend himself @tiesto , remix my song "Let Me Love You" OUT TOMORROW !" 9:26 PM (Bologna)
- Justin Bieber at the Montage hotel bar in Beveverly Hills, CA on Friday night.
- Justin Bieber at Hyde in Los Angeles, CA.
- "Justin Bieber -- Yo Soy Un Bandido!". TMZ. November 21, 2015.
- "Justin Bieber will appear on M Station for the first time! !". Universal Music Japan. November 20, 2015language=Japanese.
ItsMandizzle "Paps were aggressive and he was moving quickly to get into the car but he looked happy 😊" 5:42 PM (Pacific Time (US))
ItsMandizzle "He definitely smiled when he walked out 😍" 5:59 PM
- Justin Bieber in Hawaii.
- Justin Bieber in Pittsburgh, PA.
Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital "Meet Justin Bieber & WIN 4 tickets to the Y100 Jingle Ball! http://bit.ly/JDCHsweeps" 12:34 PM (Eastern Time (US))
- ↳ justinbieber "@AlfredoFlores @Quincy haha. challenge accepted" 3:05 AM
justinbieber "Happy Birthday @JaxonBieber ! your big brother loves you very much. Everyone wish Jaxo a happy birthday! thanks" 3:07 AM
justinbieber "time to head back out on the road. #BELIEVEtour" 3:08 AM
MaxTheWanted "Now I'm recovers just wanna say a huge congrats to all the winners at the AMA's esp @justinbieber and @carlraejepsen" 12:05 PM
justinbieber "@iAmJulkeyz can't keep up #believetour http://instagr.am/p/SQPOHPgvgG/" 1:13 PM
justinbieber "and we are back! #BELIEVEtour" 1:14 PM
justinbieber "my brother @JaxonBieber is such a #beast! Happy 3rd Birthday! cant believe your 3! love u! http://youtu.be/0_E8HlTHAIc" 1:27 PM
justinbieber "@macmiller where u at? im in your city" 1:28 PM
justinbieber "great m&g here in pa. gonna chill b4 showtime. but wait..i think..." 5:07 PM
justinbieber "it's time for a RANDOM CHUCK NORRIS FACT! When Alexander Bell invented the telephone he had 3 missed phone calls from CHUCK NORRIS. #FACT" 5:08 PM
justinbieber "@djtayjames @iAmJulkeyz @alfredoflores http//instagr.am/p/SRJvjXgvts/" 5:24 PM
questlove "Watch @JustinBieber @MariahCarey @questlove @KanyeWest discuss @michaeljackson in @SpikeLee 's #Bad25. Watch on ABC Thanksgiving @ 9:30/8:30C" 7:17 PM
- Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez at the American Music Awards at Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles, CA.
justinbieber "hahahahahaha. @itsRyanButler did we just become BEST FRIENDS!?! #StepBrothers - http://youtu.be/5e-UgAyMeGQ" 8:44 AM
justinbieber "happy for my dude @brunomars - couldnt have gone to a better guy. well deserved. and @taylorswift13 and @NiCKiMiNaj CONGRATS Ladies!" 9:11 PM
justinbieber "hope u guys liked #MISTLETOE tonight. we work hard for the fans. never want to let you all down." 9:12 PM
justinbieber "with my fans Im a winner everyday. #ILOVEMYFANS. We are a #FAMILY. and..." https://twitter.com/justinbieber/status/138486636999737344[ 9:19 PM]
justinbieber "I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT" 9:22 PM
- Justin Bieber rehearsing for the American Music Awards.
jonmchu "Oh yes it's true. Beliebers will appreciate http://twitpic.com/38eiv8" 12:23 AM (Eastern Time (US))
robertcaplin "#prey...heard it live for the first time today....good stuff. Check out the AMAs on Sunday." 3:39 AM
justinbieber "sorry i didnt tweet alot yesterday...was exhausted. but I actually got to meet an incredible family and a strong special young girl, then..." 6:32 AM
justinbieber "then I did the best interview I have ever done...the lady actually talked 2 me instead of talking at me. She had a conversation with me" 6:33 AM
justinbieber "and then after being so tired i couldnt see straight, and being a little sick, I got on stage and ATLANTIC CITY u made me feel at home...." 6:33 AM
justinbieber "my fans were my chicken soup according to @scooterbraun . either way it felt great and then jumped on a plane to the left coast" 6:34 AM
justinbieber "big weekend ahead. but until then Im #soootired and gonna pass out. Gnite ladies. #sweetdreams ;)" 6:34 AM
CMNHospitals "@walmartgiving @WalmartSpecials @walmartnews : thx for giving portion of @justinbieber #myworldsacoustic sales 2 our hospitals starting 11/26" 9:59 AM
CMNHospitals "Can't wait for #blackfriday to get @justinbieber #myworldsacoustic @walmartnews . Portion of sales benefit our cause!" 10:01 AM
justinbieber "Happy Bday Jaxon!! I will always be there for you. I love you baby bro." 1:55 PM
justinbieber "RT @CMNHospitals : @justinbieber insisted on donating a portion of #myworldsacoustic to our cause. at walmart 11/26. Justin-you are amazing!" 5:06 PM
CMNHospitals "@justinbieber rocks! He's donating a portion of #myworldsacoustic sales to us to help children's hospitals. At walmart, 11/26" 7:00 PM
CarinMB "AMA's! http://plixi.com/p/58164797" 7:54 PM
HiHatprod "Checking out @justinbieber rehearsal for the AMA.. this song incredible!" 8:07 PM
robertcaplin "Yes, new pix will be coming soon on http://BIEBERPIX.com....plan to put up galleries from all the tour dates too!" 9:11 PM
robertcaplin "Random fun fact: Justin throws a towel at my camera just about every night before he comes up from underneath the stage to start the shows." 9:24 PM
dankanter "Rehearsing for the AMAs" 9:25 PM
justinbieber "Can someone tell how to make a change!! I close my eyes, and i can see a better day. I close my eyes and #pray" 9:49 PM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "EVERYONE Meet me at "IN AND OUT" on Sunset Blvd." 9:54 PM - deleted
ExecutiveJus "@JustinBieber Ha! You enjoyed ur Lisa Robinson interview." 9:56 PM
justinbieber "Just kidding.. not there anymore." 9:59 PM via Twitter Web Client
- Jaxon Bieber was born.
- Justin Bieber was forced to cancel a fan signing after about a bazillion fans showed up at Roosevelt Field Mall in Uniondale, NY.
- Justin Bieber visiting fans.
- Justin Bieber on the phone with 93.2 NOW.
- Justin Bieber on the phone with Z100.
justinbieber "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUy5mwi01RI" 12:15 AM via Twitter Web Client
LordBieber "Jaxon was born this morning @ 2:33am" 12:26 PM
justinbieber "some1 just won a WII from a golden ticket!! The GOLDEN TICKETS 2 be in a music video or get a private concert r still out there in stores!!" 8:56 AM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "Going to be at Roosevelt Field Mall in Long Island, NY today signing MY WORLD at 4pm. See everyone there." 12:08 PM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "early this morning i became a big brother for the second time! I now have a little brother named Jaxon. Im a proud big bro!!" 12:34 PM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "Best Week Ever = Releasing your first album and having your baby bro born the same week. awsome" 1:00 PM via Twitter Web Client
sydneydalton "@justinbieber me and the @bieberarmy got you a present. cant wait to give it to you!" 1:00 PM
sydneydalton "@justinbieber this is crazy. this little girl in my group got knocked to the ground and her glasses got broken!! come make it better!" 1:41 PM
KennyHamilton "@4keysofdohpe nah met him plenty of times before, La and steve wanted to take jb to dinner" 2:26 PM
justinbieber "On my way to Roosevelt Field Mall in Long Island, NY to sign and meet fans!! im pumped. see u there" 2:59 PM via Twitter Web Client
sydneydalton "@justinbieber please justin. do everything in your power to get it uncancelled. this isn't fair. girls have been camped out since last night" 3:07 PM
OfficialGavin "Juss talked to my lil bro @justinBieber had to let em kno how proud of em i was. Nd tell him congrats on tha "lil Justin" lolz ." 3:15 PM
sydneydalton "http://twitpic.com/q9k8q - @justinbieber we're all waiting for u. please dont let it be cancelled." 3:32 PM
z100newyork "RT @JJonZ100 SQUEE!!!.... @justinbieber checks in with us live at 4:23 on Z100!!!!" 4:00 PM
sydneydalton "@justinbieber fuck the popo. i almost just got arrested. we'll be cell mates. sounds good to me. (:" 4:00 PM
GetMusicCA "Bieber Fever at an all time high! RT @PerezHilton Approx 10,000 kids showed up for @justinbieber's CD signing today at a mall in Long Island" 4:24 PM
justinbieber "they are not allowing me to come into the mall. if you dont leave I and my fans will be arrested as the police just told us."4:30 PM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "the event at roosevelt mall is cancelled. please go home. the police have already arrested one person from my camp. I dont want anyone hurt" 4:33 PM via Twitter Web Client
MatrixMel "the event at roosevelt mall is cancelled. please go home. the police have already arrested one person from my camp. I dont want anyone hurt" 4:42 PM
Nikyra_S "AHHHHHH! GO TO 92.3! THEIR GOING TO CALL HIM LISTEN NOW http://player.play.it/player/player.html?v=4.9.24b&id=155&onestat=923now" 5:18 PM
justinbieber "Im sorry to everyone who was in Long Island at the Mall 2day. I was just trying to come meet fans and never meant to dissapoint anyone." 5:36 PM via Twitter Web Client
brittbiebs "K WTF. scooter is arrested now? im confused. i heard on 92.3 them say justin's manager was arrested, and people are tweeting he's arrested?!" 6:12 PM
BieberNavy "JUSTINS on 92.3 NOW RIGHT NOW" 6:49 PM
BieberNavy "for those of you that cant get 92.3 now he basically apoligized, said he wasnt arrested, and said the warrent for scooters arest hasn.." 6:51 PM
BieberNavy "t been resolved yet." 6:52 PM
z100newyork "RT @z100MoBounce: My buddy @justinbieber is gonna be on the show @ 8:50p 2night on @z100newyork !!! RT!!" 6:53 PM
krbe "#weloveyoujustin is a trending topic. Show ur luv 4 Justin Bieber @krbe 's "Not So Silent Night" December 18th/Verizon. details at krbe.com" 7:27 PM
z100newyork "DON'T MISS IT: @justinbieber will be on with @z100mobounce @ 8:50p!!! Re-Tweet Pls!!" 7:45 PM
z100newyork "Did you miss @justinbieber with @z100mobounce earlier? Go to MO' BOUNCE ON DEMAND to listen, here: http://tinyurl.com/nesjy2" 9:18 PM
z100newyork "@justinbieber DID NOT GET ARRESTED. He called into @z100mobounce and gave the real story! Listen here: http://tinyurl.com/nesjy2 Pls RT!" 9:28 PM
justinbieber "today was crazy. feel awful about letting fans down. I tried to get there but they wouldnt let me in - http://bit.ly/727AUl" 9:53 PM via Twitter Web Client
RButler7 "@AlfredoFlores hey what's up man" 10:27 PM
- ↳ AlfredoFlores "@RButler7 wats going on man? how is it back home?" 10:27 PM
- ↳ RButler7 "@AlfredoFlores its good, miss L.A though lol" 10:29 PM
- ↳ AlfredoFlores "@RButler7 we had fun at Jullians.. when r u coming back to LA? anytime soon? Im out to NY on Saturday.. right wen Justin leaves lol" 10:30 PM
- ↳ RButler7 "@AlfredoFlores yea man tons of fun, um idk when I'm going to L.A again hopefully soon I love it there" 10:32 PM
- ↳ AlfredoFlores "@RButler7 Im sure it will be soon.. wen Justin gets back - just be like ey bro im coming .. cool? lol" 10:36 PM
selenagomez "Jammin so many good new records... @justinbieber 's just came out too. So good. As well as Mr. Mayer who never disappoints." 10:28 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@selenagomez thanks. going to jam with our girl @taylorswift13 next week in London too" 11:37 PM via Twitter Web Client
AlfredoFlores "Everyone support the main man @justinbieber and make sure you guys pick up a copy of "My World"! http://twitpic.com/q0d0c" 10:57 PM
RyanSeacrest "@justinbieber hey...u doin alright? Good thing is this shows ur fans are hugely supportive. They'll def show up & buy ur album this wknd" 11:01 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@RyanSeacrest yeah Im ok. I have the greatest fans in the world. thanks" 11:12 PM via Twitter Web Client
- "Justin’s mall MADNESS! BOP & TB readers were there!". TigerBeat. November 20, 2009.
- "Video Surfaces of Pandemonium at Mall for Justin Bieber Appearance". Ryan Seacrest. November 20, 2009.
- "Chaos at a Justin Bieber Event!". Popstar! Online. November 20, 2009.