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- Justin Bieber performing during his "Justice World Tour" in Indianapolis, IN.
- Justin Bieber performs with Ariana Grande at Coachella Stage during the 2019 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival in Indio, CA.
- Justin Bieber in Panama City, Panam.
andrew50watt "This past Tuesday night before my show I was picking out an outfit...I was so tired from the past week of endless traveling and gigging that I grabbed my Prince shirt and said fuck it I'm gonna channel the purple one tonight...I didn't shower after the gig out of pure exhaustion...I went to sleep in that shirt and then I wore it again all day yesterday...today waking up to this news I am truly beside myself...devastated...the last of the greatest living performers...my guitar idol...his connection to ALL his instruments yielded a sexual transcending aura and the world is just less fucking cool without him walking on it... "Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you
There's something else...
The after world"
#RIPPRINCE" via Instagram
↳ justinbieber "Well not the last greatest living performer"
justinbieber "Shoutout to my bro @asherroth who has his new album coming out tomorrow #RetroHash. We go way back and he is a beast. Congrats bro" 11:28 AM (Pacific Time (US))
- ↳ asherroth "@justinbieber the refrigerator was a solid invention" 4:24 PM
- Justin Bieber shooting The Key short film in Copenhagen, Denmark.
justinbieber "The champ is back http://viddy.it/MqyaWw" 3:39 PM (Copenhagen)
justinbieber "@carlyraejepsen hey if I'm gonna miss one at least it's my own artist. Lol. Happy for u. Now bring out the @NICKIMINAJ song! :)" 3:41 PM
BieberBuyoutPH "@justinbieber remember when you told me everything's gonna be alright? You were right :) thank you." 3:41 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@BieberBuyoutPH u got it" 3:41 PM
justinbieber "@thatpowerjb thanks for always being there no matter what. Thanks for being the best fans in the world" 3:42 PM
justinbieber "I have great fans...the greatest. CHUCK NORRIS APPROVED" (19 Jan 2010)
- ↳ BieberTime_23 "@justinbieber not so much anymore.But I miss these days." 3:35 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@BieberTime_23 yes I do. Just gotta believe. I still do" 3:43 PM
justinbieber "@smileforbieb haha" 3:43 PM
Jenni96belieber "@justinbieber Im invisible for you... never see my tweets, please follow me if you see this. LOVEE YOUU TOOOO!! Thanks for make me happy💜88" 2:22 AM
- ↳ justinbieber "@Jenni96belieber I see u" 3:43 PM
justinbieber "Great show last night in Copenhagen . Shooting short film today for #key . #whatiskey :)" 3:44 PM
justinbieber "@stratfordpizza thanks. Love all of u too" 3:44 PM
justinbieber "@iBieberClub thank u" 3:45 PM
justinbieber "Believe in yourself" 3:50 PM
justinbieber "#whatiskey" 11:25 PM
- Justin Bieber doing a random Twitter hour.
- Justin Bieber on the “Boyfriend” music video set.
justinbieber "i would like to announce @thatrygood is posing for playboy next week wish him luck" 2:38 PM
justinbieber "it has been long enough. it is time. we are back. #RANDOMTWITTERHOUR" 2:39 PM
justinbieber "i discovered matt damon" 2:39 PM
justinbieber "my loins" 2:42 PM
justinbieber "my Friend @selfmaderyan once nursed a baby calf back to health with his teet" 2:43 PM
justinbieber "my little sister jazmyn once beat me in an arm wrestle. shes 3" 2:45 PM
justinbieber "Rick james is my grandfather" 2:45 PM
justinbieber "i can feel it deep in my plums.. nice bluish hue" 2:45 PM
justinbieber "Just got finished building a birdhouse with @bubbawatson . What a craftsman ..." 2:50 PM
justinbieber ""this isn't how we taste" - swedish fish" 2:51 PM
justinbieber "stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away" 2:53 PM
justinbieber "Thats what Barbra said" 2:54 PM
justinbieber "chuck norris wears justin bieber pajamas" 2:54 PM
bubbawatson "#awesome -----------RT @justinbieber : Just got finished building a birdhouse with @bubbawatson . What a craftsman ..." 2:51 PM
justinbieber "kinda weirded out that no one got the secret meaning of #boyfriend Obviously listening closely you can tell its about the migration of birds" 2:58 PM
Thisl "“ @justinbieber : Just got finished building a birdhouse with @bubbawatson . What a craftsman.” / what are y'all doing building a bird house" 2:59 PM
- ↳ bubbawatson "@Thisl @justinbieber JB is doing random tweet hour!" 3:00 PM
justinbieber "did anyone ever find out who let the dogs out?" 3:02 PM
justinbieber "got it going bossanova. no way" 3:03 PM
justinbieber "Drakes gotta send a cleaning lady over to marvins room. Its gettin kinda messy." 3:04 PM
justinbieber "did you hear what happened to taye diggs?" 3:04 PM
justinbieber "Less cantaloupe, more berries. I'm talking to you, pre-packaged fruit salads. Don't play me like that." 3:07 PM
justinbieber "Thank god madagascar 3 is coming out. Just didnt get the closure i needed with the first 2" 3:11 PM
justinbieber "wish dirty diana would clean up her act" 3:12 PM
justinbieber "give me ur tears @teddyriiiiiiley" 3:14 PM
justinbieber "why does david ortiz look like robocop haha" 3:14 PM
justinbieber "Paul Schafer was 10 min late for jazzersize class today. What gives?" 3:18 PM
justinbieber "i get 1 hour for lunch everyday. @scooterbraun gets an extra 15" 3:20 PM
justinbieber "and now #RANDOMTWITTERHOUR has come to an end....last one...." 3:22 PM
justinbieber "Dear mariah yeeter...we have never met...so from the heart i just wanted to say... http://youtu.be/RaPpjTZa9bA" 3:23 PM
teddyriiiiiiley "this dude @justinbieber got JOOOOOOKES! i'm dyin right now..." 3:28 PM
justinbieber "@DazzlingJustin nice meeting u. dont cry. appreciate u" 11:20 PM
iDirectorX "What I'm doing right now @justinbieber video #believe" 7:15 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@iDirectorX great day my dude" 11:20 PM
- ↳ iDirectorX "@justinbieber ya man. U killed it today." 11:51 PM
justinbieber "great shoot today. gonna chill the rest of the night. heading to the UK tomorrow. Shoutout to my dude CHUNKY BIEBER. haha." 11:30 PM
justinbieber "dear fans...beliebers...you know u sexy right? that's why i f@#$s with u :)" 11:42 PM
- Damato, Dana. "Justin Bieber Films New “Boyfriend” Music Video with the Help of T-Minus Productions Stunt Team". Hollywood Stunt Coordinator.
- Justin Bieber in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Thursday.
- Justin Bieber performing during his My World Tour at Stadium Merdeka.
MizzNina "See you all at Justin Bieber tonight! I perform on stage at 8pm ❤" 11:26 AM (Malaysia)
justinbieber "Malaysia....LEGGO!" 12:49 PM
justinbieber "watching Smallville....well hello Lois ;)" 12:51 PM
justinbieber "ITALY... #NEVERSAYNEVER3D is in THEATRES TODAY!!" 1:27 PM
istayedwoke "Sound check @ Stadium Merdeka for Justin Bieber's opening @mizznina1780 http://plixi.com/p/94441363" 4:51 PM
TheRealMizznina "@JustinBieber Thank you for letting me open for you. Nice meeting you :-) http://plixi.com/p/94486444" 10:15 PM
AlfredoFlores "Pure BEASTMODE!! @JoelMadden joined @JustinBieber on stage tonight at Kuala Lumpur! #EPIC" 10:37 PM
justinbieber "the show must go on! Great show out in the Rain In Malaysia!! Crowd was incredible and it was HOT!!!!" 10:41 PM
justinbieber "time for a shower then team dinner. #southeastasia #blessed" 10:45 PM
- "5/5 (Thursday) MTV "MUSIC OF HOPE: Justin Bieber SPECIAL"" (in Japanese). Universal Music Japan. April 21, 2011.
- Justin Bieber in Tokyo, Japan.
- Justin Bieber performing for the One Night Only Premiere Showcase at Duo Music Exchange.
justinbieber "getting excited about the tour this summer. we have been opening up some more seats for everyone and talking 2nd leg - www.BieberFever.com" 6:01 AM
justinbieber "was very surprised when i got to Tokyo earlier...didnt expect the welcome..thank u to the people of Japan - http://bit.ly/by2feO" 6:11 AM
HollywoodLife "Hello Beliebers! Help spread the word that Justin Bieber will be at @HollywoodLife ’s Young Hollywood Awards on May 13! #justinbieber" 6:31 AM
justinbieber "RT @bieberhelpaliya @justinbieber OMG OMG OMG...ure on the back of our milk cartons at school :P im keeping one hahhaha = Am I Missing?? :)" 7:18 AM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "Lady Antebellum!! this is very cool...I think u guys are great 2. thanks- http://bit.ly/d7k0oQ" 7:53 AM
justinbieber "cmon http://twitvid.com/8ZVUS" 9:59 AM
justinbieber "Breaking the rules In japan.. I almost got attacked by ninjas.. It was awsome! http://twitpic.com/1h6fn5" 11:06 AM
justinbieber "Sight seeing with @scooterbraun . Japan is so tight..! http://twitpic.com/1h6niq" 11:39 AM via Twitter Web Client
bieber_japanfan "スタッフ:今ビーバー君は港区近辺を散策中です!!日本は天気が本当に最高で、世界で一番好きな街だよ!と喜んでいます!!!" 11:46 AM>
justinbieber "loving it here...also need to shoutout my New Zealand fans...Im coming to see u guys next week!! Im trying to play rugby with the All Blacks" 1:06 PM
justinbieber "about to start interviews here in Japan...working on my Japanese... おやすみなさい。- That means "Goodnight and sweet dreams" ;)" 1:21 PM
justinbieber "私はあなたの電話番号を有してもいいか。 - That is "Can I have your phone number?" This line is very important to me while traveling this country. lol" 1:24 PM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "got 2 start my interviews here in Tokyo...it's wild being here. Thanks 4 all the love. U guys got me traveling the world and livin a dream" 1:45 PM
justinbieber "and yeah i talk to swans...so what :) Turns out the wall was built by CHUCK NORRIS in the 1600's - http://twitvid.com/1NRWR" 1:49 PM via Twitter Web Client
TheJayReeve "If you want me to ask @justinbieber anything post your questions up here http://www.facebook.com/#!/mtvnz?ref=ts" 2:15 PM
KennyHamilton "We are still knocking out tv and radio interviews in Tokyo...big show tonight that @JustinBieber is putting on for his Japanese fans..." 3:48 PM
AlfredoFlores "RT! Checkout @seankingston & @justinbieber behind the scenes for their video Eenie Meenie! http://vimeo.com/11099864" 4:24 PM
bieber_japanfan "スタッフ;本日の取材が終了しました!これからプレミアショーケースまでしばしお休みです!!" 4:44 PM
justinbieber "In route to my show in tokyo!! I love this place!!! http://twitpic.com/1h8g67" 5:05 PM via Twitter Web Client
bieber_japanfan "スタッフ:会場には既に沢山のファンがいらっしゃってます!!" 5:24 PM
DJ_TARO "【緊急告知!】 明日はJustin Bieber インタビュー収録の模様をUSTREAMで中継します。時間は18:00~の予定。 生歌も交渉してみるかね!? #MusicPlus #jwave" 8:41 PM
bieber_japanfan "スタッフ:今日のショーケースは大盛況でした!会場はパンパンでおよそ1000人の方々が駆けつけてくれました!!" 11:17 PM
- "ジャスティン・ビーバー、初来日ライブは大盛況!". MTV Japan. April 22, 2010.
- "Uploaded the showcase video of the frenzy!" (in Japanese). Universal Music Japan. May 10, 2010.
- Justin Bieber at Panera Bread in Atlanta.[1]
prettyboifresh5 "@yezir Congrats lil Bro!!!!!Have Fun ...." 6:25 PM (Eastern Time (US))
- ↑ Connelly, Callie (April 23, 2009). "@yezir I saw you on tuesday at Panera Bread in Atlanta! You talked to us! But, we we're sure it was you and now we know! FML! we <3 you!". Twitter.