Justin Bieber Wiki

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Private Landing poster

dontoliver “I’m Off Uh Beaaaannnnn” 🎶

@future & @justinbieber 🫡❤️‍🩹🏌🏿‍♂️🔥‼️

This one Ridiculous Pluto thank You 🥂 real Giant ‼️ Justin my Brother ‼️ It’s Time 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥" 1:44 PM (Pacific Time (US))




djsupajames "Sooooo I knew this was gonna have but got the official 👍 @1043NOW will be blowing out @justinbieber meet and greets, SOON!" 11:05 AM (Pacific Time (US))



  • Justin Bieber go-kart racing in Atlanta, GA.


  • Justin Bieber at a book signing at WHSmith in London, England on Saturday afternoon.


justinbieber "#RightHere #3days" 5:27 AM (London)

justinbieber "I wanna do a concert in space" 3:53 PM<



justinbieber "another great night in the studio. i love music and creating. working hard on the music. 1 week until the birthday. wild. night world" 12:44 AM (Pacific Time (US))

justinbieber retweets iamdiddy "BELIEVE!!! #REVOLT!!!" 1:06 AM

justinbieber "@iamdiddy @scooterbraun haha. the purple benz! #REVOLT #BELIEVE" 2:40 PM

justinbieber "my fans are wild. LOVE THEM. 1 Week until the big birthday!" 2:41 PM

SnoopDogg "made a lil intro btwn my neffs tha @fareastmovement n @justinbieber n watchn it go global! Shout out to @stampedemgmt !! http://youtube.com/watch?v=-0_Nl3FXSeQ&feature=youtu.be" 11:11 AM

justinbieber "@SnoopDogg @fareastmovement #BieberInTheClub #Tuesday #Feb28th #LiveMyLife - Leggo!" 2:42 PM

AlfredoFlores "Stu-dee-oh [bih-leev]" 6:12 PM

justinbieber "#writing #studio " 8:41 PM



  • Justin Bieber on The Talk.
  • Justin Bieber co-hosting ET.


Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Justin Bieber - Never Say Never sort aujourd'hui dans toutes les bonnes salles !!! Foncez !" 1:40 AM

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "La presse adore le film Justin Bieber : Never Say Never : Le Parisien (Quotidien) “L’ascension fulgurante d’un gamin chantant dans la rue... Une certaine idée du rêve américain !“ Direct Matin Plus (Quotidien) « (…) Les fans de Justin Bieber sont gâtés. » Public (Hebdomadaire) « (…) il faut le voir pour le croire. »" 2:23 AM (Pacific Time (US))

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never - FR "Justin Bieber : Never say Never, c'est aujourd'hui au cinéma. Le Monde des Ados « Tout y est (…) si tu es fan, tu adoreras (…) ! » Télé 2 Semaines « Les fans seront ravis. » One « (une) mise en scène ultra efficace (…). Un documentaire incontournable. Glossy « Never Say Never est le film à ne pas louper ! »" 4:17 PM

Tune Talk "4 more days left for TURN ME ON! Hurry up to win an iPad or Justin Bieber tickets" 7:50 PM


DABieberParty "@NeverSayNeverUK may i ask you a really important question?" 1:20 AM (Pacific Time (US))
NeverSayNeverUK "@DABieberParty sure i will try and help" 1:25 AM
DABieberParty "@NeverSayNeverUK well basically you see how justin & jon have said there is a NSN director cut out this weekend. it is out for UK too?" 1:27 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "it is Wednesday and that can only mean one thing 2 for 1 with Orange, so who is going to watch Never Say Never today?" 1:27 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "why not check out our new Justin Bieber e-cards http://on.fb.me/fjZNX7" 5:10 AM

TheTalk_CBS "TODAY @JustinBieber LIVE! He's been the talk of #TheTalk! Catch Bieber Fever with us at 2pm ET/1pm PT/CT! Preview: http://bit.‏ly/elwiLr" 7:57 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "check out our new Never Say Never Twibbons http://www.facebook.com/BieberPremiereUK" 8:43 AM

TheEllenShow "I had a very special guest drop by today. I’ll give you a hint -- his name rhymes with Lustin Meeber. http://ellen.tv/fSq68B" 10:35 AM


TheEllenShow "Here's your chance to own a piece of @JustinBieber history! I'm auctioning off a lock of his hair for a great charity http://ellen.tv/gx8dx7" 11:03 AM

TheTalk_CBS "Bid 2 win @JustinBieber & @OfficialOzzy 's #Superbowl Ad costumes 2 benefit The @MrsSOsbourne Colon Cancer Charity here: http://bit.‏ly/b1Jhrk" 11:09 AM

TheTalk_CBS "@JustinBieber answrs ?'s he's never been asked-Has a girl ever trned u down 4a date? JB:Yes when I was 13, girl said I dn't like u like that" 11:22 AM

TheTalk_CBS "@JustinBieber on 3 words that describes himself: impatient, lovable & hardworking." 11:27 AM

TheTalk_CBS "Who's @JustinBieber 's favorite Hockey player? He says @ OfficialGretzky & Sidney Crosby." 11:30 AM

TheTalk_CBS "Bieb's hockey idol @OfficialGretzky surprises @JustinBieber when he shows up on #TheTalk to face-off with some air hockey!" 11:48 AM

TheEllenShow "My @JustinBieber hair has been up on ebay for an hour and it's already at $10,000!" 11:49 AM

etnow "The countdown is on! Less than an hour till @justinbieber hits the ET set. #ETBeliebs" 11:55 AM

TheTalk_CBS "What @JustinBieber says he looks 4 in a girl: funny, easy 2 talk 2, nice eyes & smile, somebody able 2 listen & not always talk, talk, talk." 12:00 PM

justinbieber "Had a rough morning. Thanks for everyone bearing with me and sorry to those shows I couldn't call in to" 12:09 PM

justinbieber "Just had a great time with the ladies at The Talk...they surprised me good. Met a hero of mine..." 12:12 PM

Bieber with Wayne Gretzky

justinbieber "GRETZKY!!!! http://yfrog.com/h782opvj" 12:13 PM

justinbieber "Also on @TheEllenShow today surprising her about the ONE WEEKend Only Directors Cut of #NsN3D this weekend. Spread the word. 1 Weekend Only!" 12:15 PM

justinbieber "but still hyped about #GRETZKY !!! [1] http://yfrog.com/h782opvj" 12:23 PM

justinbieber "just found out that the #NeverSayNeverRemixes album is the #1 Album on Billboard!!! Best fans in the world! Thank U!!" 12:28 PM

TheTalk_CBS "#TheTalk Giveaway: Enter to win @JustinBieber 's 'Never Say Never - The Remixes' CD right here: http://bit.‏ly/dlIo5w" 12:47 PM


Justin holding Gretzky jersey

TheTalkCBS "@JustinBieber gets a surprise visit from his hockey idol @OfficialGretzky and scores a Team Canada Hockey Jersey o http://twitpic.com/430jgu" 1:26 PM

TheTalkCBS "NEW VIDEO: Hockey legend @OfficialGretzky surprises teen pop sensation & hockey fan @JustinBieber on 2day's #TheTalk! http://bit.‏ly/idTb7W" 1:37 PM

MrsSOsbourne "Awesome show today with Justin Bieber. He's a really cool guy." 1:40 PM

MrsSOsbourne "Bid 2 win @JustinBieber & @OfficialOzzy 's #Superbowl Ad suits 2 benefit my Colon Cancer Charity http://bit.‏ly/htEP2r. Thank you @BestBuy !" 2:45 PM

justinbieber "Gotta rep for home team. Everyone please support @jlo and her new single "On the Floor" on ITUNES! #hometeam" 3:33 PM

AlfredoFlores "Congratulations to @JustinBieber for having the #1 Album in the country!! That's Right! "NEVER SAY NEVER - THE REMIXES" #1 on Billboard!" 3:33 PM

AlfredoFlores "I also want to point out that @JustinBieber has 2 albums in the Top 10 of Billboard!! The Remix Album and My World 2.0! #Beastmode" 3:39 PM

TheTalkCBS "From his dating life to his next hair move, our hosts ask @justinbieber questions he's never been asked before! New Vid:http://bit.‏ly/ggXuDK" 3:49 PM

justinbieber "Learning life at the #FantasyFactory with big bro @robdyrdek - epic day. U will see. #foampit" 4:00 PM

chanelwestcoast "Me and the lil homie @justinbieber at the Fantasy Factory today!! http://plixi.com/p/79517657" 5:00 PM

TheTalkCBS "2dy's Full Ep w/ @justinbieber is IN! Beiber fever spikes BIG TIME on #TheTalk &JB meets 1ofhis heroes @OfficialGretzky http://bit.‏ly/gKUcQI" 5:03 PM

_BIGCAT "Just had @justinbieber at the factory all day getting sketchy. http://plixi.com/p/79523264" 5:31 PM

etnow "Thx @JustinBieber for co-hosting with @MaryHart and @MarkSteines ! Tune in Thurs. for the big reveal! [2]" 6:03 PM

MissGTR "First Fabio now @JustinBieber... the #FantasyFactory has had some good visitors lately! http://plixi.com/p/79541032" 7:08 PM

robdyrdek "@justinbieber Proud of you young man..Your fearlessness is 2nd to none! You will be the first human with a mansion on the moon! #markmywords" 8:00 PM

justinbieber "i love @theellenshow . I always keep my promises. She is in the Directors Cut on #NSN3D this #OneWeekendOnly - http://youtu.be/tshLhLAO9Ns" 9:39 PM

justinbieber "@mcuban let's do this deal b4 the deadline!! lol - http://bit.‏ly/edNBzH" 9:49 PM

mcuban "@justinbieber Done ! DM me for practice schedule and uni sizes. We got you at PG. Get that killer Xover ready :)." 1:31 PM (24 Feb)

justinbieber "thank u to the ladies of @TheTalk_CBS for giving me one of the greatest surprises of my life. still in shock! - http://youtu.be/KyeSOZDSpao" 9:52 PM

justinbieber "wow...from the street corner to now...so grateful. this is kinda a trip. so so grateful! thank u. #NEVERSAYNEVER !!! - http://bit.‏ly/g6x3qO" 9:59 PM

justinbieber "SNEAK PEAK at this weekend's ONE WEEKEND ONLY DIRECTOR's CUT on NEVER SAY NEVER 3D!! Who's coming?? thanks- http://youtu.be/n2t-LCtYygQ" 10:18 PM



  • Justin Bieber in Paris, France.
  • Justin Bieber at a photo shoot.
  • Justin Bieber sings at Universal Music showcase.

  • Justin Bieber at NRJ.


NRJ "Attention . nous allons faire le tirage au sort pour la rencontre avec Justin !!!!" 3:13 PM

NRJ "hello le concours est finit La gagnant va recevoir un msg en privé. ( Elle ne veut pas que l'on mette son nom sur le mur )" 6:07 PM

NRJ "Justin sera chez nous ce soir à 21h chez MIKL Venez tous le voir : 22 rue Boileau 75016 apris" 6:10 PM


justinbieber "another fan vid from POPCON- jammin on the drums

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKcTN_B1BuE" 12:11 AM (Paris)

justinbieber "JUST HAVE FUN!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hugz3o6d4-s" 12:12 AM

justinbieber "EXCLUSIVE NEWS ON MY WORLD 2.0- so happy with the songs the 2.0 part wont have 7 more new songs..it will have 10 MORE NEW SONGS!! LETS GO!" 1:05 AM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "School field trip this morning! Went to the Arc de Triomphe...learned it took 30 yrs to construct and Napoleon started it. Fyi." 1:52 PM

KennyHamilton "He told me to twitpic this... http://twitpic.com/14wrws" 4:21 PM

MTVLA "¡Felicitaciones a @_BitterSweetD! El artista MTV Push de Marzo es... ¡Justin Bieber!" 5:55 PM

justinbieber "Gonna grab a bite to eat and see a little more of this city. So beautiful here." 6:22 PM via Twitter Web Client

ImBenJBro "New 'Youre a jerk' remix ft Lil Wayne & Justin Bieber exclusive on ringtones for first week. LETS GO ! http://tinyurl.‏com/UraJerkRemix" 10:42 PM

justinbieber "Just finished up NRJ national radio in Paris...had a great time. Have a secret show tomorrow. Wonder what famous location it will be at?" 10:48 PM via Twitter Web Client

JackieAugustus "i know that no one uses myspace anymore, but @JustinBieber is on the home page (:" 11:09 PM

justinbieber "..so i decided to just go to the window and sing with them. great moment. WATCH - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clRaEAecVbw" 11:30 PM via Twitter Web Client