Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber on set of DJ Khaled's music video for “POPSTAR”.


  • Justin Bieber in Los Angeles, CA.


Justin wearing Shane Bieber's jersey

justinbieber Thanks @shane_bieber for the jersey. via Instagram (deleted)

meekmill Pull up when you ready

justinbieber @meekmill I need more time. A few more months


  • Justin Bieber at the Power 106 studios in Burbank, CA.



NathanTheWanted "The anticipation for the new @justinbieber track is amazing. #Beliebers go hard!! Can't wait to hear #WhatDoYouMean" 10:46 AM (Pacific Time (US))

yesiortiz ""@Panchitominaj: when @justinbieber randomly comes out on @yesiortiz snapchat like hold up am I trippen 😂😂" never know what u see" 3:30 PM

weknowthedj "7 minutes! Huge S/O to @LaurieBea1 for the pic! @justinbieber, you ready?" 4:23 PM

DJFelliFel "my bro @justinbieber is on #TheCruzShow tomorrow at 6:20am! he'll be dropping his new song #WhatDoYouMean @POWER106LA" 5:48 PM

ElvisDuranShow "It all goes down in just a few short hours..... #BieberOnElvis airs TOMORROW at 7:40 AM ET with @elvisduran!" 7:55 PM

KrystalBee "We have @justinbieber on with us TOMORROW MORNING! #Beliebers #BieberFever @Power106LA #TheCruzShow https://twitter.com/Power106LA/status/637046831281647616" 10:10 PM

DjCarisma "#Beliebers your boy @justinbieber is on #TheCruzShow tomorrow at 6:20am! We'll be playing #WhatDoYouMean +more @POWER106LA" 11:50 PM





PierreBalian "Being able to spend the evening w/ G-Eazy and JB in one night inspired me beyond belief. Goodnight." 4:01 AM (Pacific Time (US))

justinbieber "Just posted a #selfie on @shots http://shots.com/p/gk7x5z61" 7:38 PM via Shots App

justinbieber "Just posted a #selfie on @shots http://shots.com/p/s3flu5j8" 8:30 PM via Shots App


  • Justin Bieber ate his first Fatburger on Tuesday night.


DJ_FRANZEN "You wanna hear "Wait For A Minute" by JB? Come to Emerson Theater tonight in Hollywood. 21 & up, Turnip!" 12:22 PM (Pacific Time (US))

justmissparis "@justmissparis who sold pics to TMZ?" 2:39 PM

justmissparis "@crazypantslover huh? What pics?" 2:42 PM
AlwaysJayBieber "@justmissparis tmz has pics from the island. It's very sad how Justin is sold out by so called friends. Thought you might know. :)" 2:45 PM
justmissparis "@crazypantslover it wasn't any of us. There were other people on vacation out there luv it happens" 2:48 PM

crazypantslover "@AlwaysJayBieber @justmissparis exactly. Sorry for sounding so accusatory - we just wanted him to have a quiet vacay. :)" 2:55 PM

justmissparis "@crazypantslover @AlwaysJayBieber vacay was very peaceful thanks for your concern sweethearts!" 3:01 PM



Justin Bieber arriving at the Grand Lux Cafe in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday afternoon.


_mar_tina "What the hell is this again ??? are that guys sick or what ???http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcFE9DYjbK4&feature=player_embedded .. I wonder if this really was in @iamwill 's car." 1:55 PM (Pacific Time (US))

iamwill "@_mar_tina are you serious...??? I feel so invaded...this has gone too far...#whyaretheydoingthis???" 2:25 PM

LilTwist "Believe Tour" 2:25 PM

_mar_tina "Well i thought if i got tweet from @iamwill on my bday it would be something like have a happy one, but this is sad ... a lot. #stopthem" 2:43 PM

iamwill "@_mar_tina all #peabodies and #iamfans please don't download or support their leaks...#stopthem" 2:50 PM

JeremyBieber "Everytime I land, I'm thankful to see my kids another day! @justinbieber" 2:47 PM

justinbieber "@JeremyBieber welcome back. bum knee and all" 9:23 PM

iamwill "Why do you put leaked songs on your fan site if your a true fan???...don't support leaks #stopthem http://yfrog.com/obgz9nmtj" 4:50 PM

justinbieber "long day but great day. @LA_Reid @ScooterBraun just like old times! thanks" 9:01 PM

Sunday night candy

jonmchu "Sunday night candy shop visit.... U know u want it. http://instagr.am/p/O0Smt2D3TZ/ 8:50 PM

justinbieber "@jonmchu we gotta get this thing right man!" 9:23 PM

justinbieber "away from twitter all day getting this work in. missed my peoples. #BELIEBERS love you. #DirectRelationshipWithMyFans #MUCHLOVE" 9:26 PM

@jonmchu "@JustinBieber I got a great idea...there's this grocerystore...u roll up in ur grand am & walk in, grab this beet & say "all I need is THIS"" 10:00 PM

justinbieber "@jonmchu best idea ever. beauty and a #beet . GENIUS" 10:59 PM



KukHarrell "Wow!! Got to see @justinbieber & @taylorswift13 write a song together last night!! SMASH!!!! SMASH!!! SMASH!!! Let's do it again Yall!!!" 12:34 PM (Pacific Time (US))

KukHarrell "@taylorswift13 You and Justin Killed that writing last night!!! SMASH!!!!!!!" 12:36 PM

justinbieber "In the studio with @kukharrell !!!! makin hits" 6:57 PM

KukHarrell "In with @justinbieber gearing up for the new one!!!
Let's go!!!!!" 6:59 PM

ACerzosimo "@kukharrell make us proud with that music! Say hi to @justinbieber from me!" 6:59 PM

KukHarrell "@ACerzosimo @justinbieber I told the story of meeting you guys in Miami. He cracked up!!!!" 7:01 PM
Justin Bieber with Asher Roth 2011

scooterbraun "like old times...except jb is taller. @justinbieber and @asherroth and me back together again. #Flashback http://lockerz.com/s/133564545" 8:31

KukHarrell "Crazy days!!! Making records with @justinbieber, @taylorswift13 now in with @justinbieber and @asherroth." 8:25 PM

Josh Gudwin, Justin Bieber, Kuk Harrell and Asher Roth

KukHarrell "@justinbieber, @asherroth, @kukharrell & @YeshuaTheGudwin!!!" 8:35 PM

Justin Bieber in the studio with Asher Roth

YeshuaTheGudwin "@Kukharrell @justinbieber
Studio swag http://yfrog.com/klruablj" 8:43 PM

montanatucker "Great night seeing @KennyHamilton & @justinbieber :)" 10:39 PM

justinbieber "in the studio workin on this christmas album and #BELIEVE!! makin hitS! #ilovemusic #elvisswag" 11:20 PM


  • Justin Bieber performing during his My World Tour at Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, RI on Friday.


justinbieber "Goodnight world. Everyone wake me up at 10:30 just message me and hopefully ill wake up." 12:20 AM (Eastern Time (US)) via Twitter for BlackBerry®

jonmchu "EPIC. Wow. Beliebers be proud. This one is hilarious from Invisible Children. MUST SEE now... http://youtu.be/kKBABAS4sMM" 12:42 AM

justinbieber "ok ok im up im up. lol. I told u guys i like to nap." 11:37 AM

AllisonKaye "I love you justin bieber. U are amazing.. I love when u laugh, and I love when u sing. U are my little angel. I even love u more than AJ. :)" 12:16 PM

justinbieber "@AllisonKaye never leave your phone out around me...not a good idea ;) sorry AJ. haha" 12:23 PM

justinbieber "we are feeling good today...pranks are in the air. 2day is gonna be a good day. Providence...then Jersey...then MSG in NYC!! The countdown!" 12:25 PM

CarinMB "WOW! Just watching run thru's for the MSG show. @jonmchu is unbelievable...the show is too." 3:04 PM

OfficialRobA "Im really hoping @justinbieber takes the song i wrote a couple days ago for him. Otherwise imma put it out #Justsayin #ITSTHATHOT" 5:28 PM

StrictlyFX "Bieber fever is on to Providence, RI. And we're adding PYRO to his set tonight!! Watch for Strictly FX cryo, confetti, and colored lasers 2!" 5:50 PM

HiHatprod "Added more dancers for Justin Bieber show 2nite after only 2 days of rehearsal. We are all anxious!" 8:13 PM



djtayjames "wow... @justinbieber ONE TIME single is #11 on ITUNES right now...the kid is knocking on the door of TOP TEN!! LETS GO. support him people!" 12:05 AM (Central Time (US))

ytv "Whoa! Justin Bieber will be at the Next Star Finale!!! Ticket information is coming soon. Keep checking: http://nextstar.ytv.com/finale.aspx" 12:36 PM

Justin chilling in a pool

carinmorris "Summertime and the livings easy. @justinbieber ... http://mypict.me/sdKf" 4:06 PM (Eastern Time (US))

Justin Bieber and Adam Braun

scooterbraun "On my boat with @justinbieber and my brother about to wakeboard. Welcome to the sound buddy. Nice day! http://mypict.me/seDx" 4:56 PM

Justin Bieber wakeboarding

carinmorris "@justinbieber riding dirty. http://mypict.me/sg2G" 5:47 PM

justinbieber "just got done wake boarding with @scooterbraun and realized im the worst wake boarder on the planet! face plants suck. Lol !!" 7:34 PM

justinbieber "watching mandjshow13!! ;)" 7:39 PM

Georgiamomof3 "Thanks for all your prayers for my baby girl! Still in Intensive Care Unit but she is fighting strong to stay with us. God Bless You all." 8:34 PM

iamjessiejames "At Tays concert with my bro @justinbieber killa show!" 10:09 PM

justinbieber "Who's concert am I at right now? Hmm? Anyone know @taylorswift13. She's pretty gr8 right @iamjessiejames??" 10:23 PM

Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift
carinmorris "@taylorswift13 put on an amazing show in Madison Square Gardens!! One day @justinbieber will sell it out too! http://mypict.me/snSu" 11:16 PM