Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber in New York.



davidguetta "Thx to my bro @afrojack for his remix of #2U feat. @justinbieber ! Can't stop dancing 😆😆😆 https://guetta.co/2uafrojackremix" 6:56 AM (Pacific Time (US))





justinbieber "Me and turntking http://shots.com/p/34eu32gm" 9:23 PM via Shots App

justinbieber "Just posted a #selfie on @shots http://shots.com/p/m553fi16" 10:58 PM (Pacific Time (US)) via Shots App

justinbieber "A couple of guitars...great songs and great vocals. Get ready. Next level" 11:05 PM


  • Justin Bieber in Detroit, MI.




justinbieber "Detroit #believetour" 6:40 PM

BieberVision "Heartbreaker is so fucking good like you dont understand. I cant wait for everyone to hear it!!" 7:24 PM

YeshuaTheGudwin "Have 2 tickets for tonight's show. Who needs tix and is waiting outside right now?" 8:39 PM

YeshuaTheGudwin "@aliztheshiz where u at?" 8:45 PM
YeshuaTheGudwin "@aliztheshiz your welcome, enjoy the show!!" 9:08 PM



justinbieber "i like singing boyfriend like this.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=ewOjLBa2x9g" 8:29 AM (Pacific Time (US))

justinbieber "WOW..u killed it @arianagrande http://youtube.com/watch?v=ewnhncpo64o <Ur voice sounds amazing.> #dieinyourarms" 8:46 AM

djenvy "So @justinbieber , Kenny & Scooter talked me into my next purchase...Thanks Guys!!!" 9:51 AM

justinbieber "let's get #AsLongAsYouLoveMe into the TOP TEN on ITUNES before the Entire SHort Film drops on Wednesday! SNEAK PEEK! - http://youtu.be/fCWOef6iiRM" 12:21 PM

ytv "#Beliebers! Don't miss the YTV premiere of @justinbieber 's 'All Around the World' special this Thursday at 7pm e/p! http://ow.‏ly/cyeh5" 1:15 PM

justinbieber "@BieberLighters i care" 2:09 PM

justinbieber "#BELIEVE IN YOURSELF" 2:13 PM

justinbieber "I LOVE YOU TURKISH BELIEBERS!!!" 8:30 AM

justinbieber "http://andpop.com/2012/07/27/justin-bieber-teases-us-with-a-preview-for-as-long-as-you-love-me/#more-64826" 3:35 PM



  • Justin Bieber in Boca Raton, FL.


justinbieber "http://youtu.be/o9tJW9MDs2M”p" 7:56 AM (Eastern Time (US))

SeanKingston "Just woke up, good afternoon to everybody. today is a great day my lil bro @justinbieber is coming in town so u already know its going DOWN!" 12:40 PM

justinbieber "Good to be back in Canada" 12:55 PM

dosomething "Hmmm. Lets see if the @justinbieber fans think their boy is cause-y enough for the #DSAwards. Start voting, Beliebers! We Listen to fans." 1:54 PM

dosomething "Looks to me like @justinbieber does a lot of good stuff with @pencilsofpromis to build schools." 2:07 PM

dosomething "Omg! Just heard from @justinbieber camp that he "might" be able to come to @vh1 #DSAwards! Lets make it happen like the Lovatics did!" 3:40 PM

montanatucker "Hanging with @KennyHamilton , @seankingston & @justinbieber at the @selenagomez concert." 8:55 PM

PencilsOfPromis "Support @JustinBieber 's nomination at the @dosomething awards for his work with PoP. Vote for him and RT! http://on.vh1.com/pAxJ58" 10:00 PM

dosomething "@PencilsOfPromis @justinbieber oooh. The voting is heating up! I just snuck a peak at the totals so far..." 10:42 PM
montanatucker "1st time seeing @selenagomez in concert and she did great! Nice seeing you @KennyHamilton @justinbieber @SeanKingston @AlfredoFlores :)"10:25 PM



  • Justin Bieber in Kansas City, MO on Wednesday.
  • Justin Bieber performing during his My World Tour at Sprint Center.


Justin Bieber "Shoutout to my big brosef Asher Roth - his new single "G.R.I.N.D" is now TOP 30 on ITUNES!! The Song is my Anthem Ash!! Shoutout to Boyder....this video made me smile. We all knew eachother before we got signed and it's great to be sharing the ride. Everyone support Asher and his song "GRIND" on ITUNES. Hahayo!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js3cELAesdI" 6:24 PM (Central Time (US))


bieberswag "legit; everyone start tweeting this twitlonger i made http://tl.gd/2ljkc2. im sickkk of seeing this drama. please." 2:05 AM (Central Time (US))

bieberswag "and thanks CHUCK NORRIS...i dont know why...just thanking you because Im afraid if I dont u will round house kick me in the face. nice" 2:23 AM

AmountboyKanec "Check this video out of @JustinBieber Fun Moments on the "My World" Tour.dv http://youtu.be/LJFEZrpc1Uk" 9:55 AM

VitaChambers "first night of the Justin Bieber tour starts tonight! wish me luck peeps <3"12:19 PM

bieberswag "@justinbieber you should tweet this :). its needed for beliebers to realize the true you. <3 - http://tl.gd/2ljkc2" 2:24 PM

bieberswag "seee, @justinbieber reads our tweets. he's always gonna love his fans SO much; read this: http://tl.gd/2ljkc2" 2:26 PM

bieberswag "@justinbieber alright, its cool. If you get the chance, send us some love. Love ya ;)" 3:00 AM

justinbieber "@bieberswag alot of fans hit me about what you wrote...i saw it...thank u. very kind and i wont ever stop caring. i promise. appreciate it" 3:04 AM

justinbieber "luv yall. night" 3:08 AM via Twitter Web Client

StrictlyFX "We've got Bieber fever in Kansas City, MO at the Sprint Center! See our cryogenics, confetti, and laser effects during Justin's performance!" 3:21 PM

StrictlyFX "Or you can see some of our work with Justin Bieber here: http://www.strictlyfx.com/justin_bieber.html" 3:22 PM

IamDetail "hey im shooting behind the schenes for seankingston justin bieber mix tape im producing im hopping on tiny" 5:04 PM

IyazLive "Anybody got that video from tnites show with me @seankingston n @justinbieber ?... When we all came on stage? I wanna c it haha!!" 5:09 PM

justinbieber "@boyderyo HAHayo!! BOYDER!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js3cELAesdI" 6:22 PM via Twitter Web Client

thatrygood "Vita Chambers is real dope. She opened tonight on this My World Tour" 8:38 PM

VitaChambers "kansas city you guys were amazinggg tonight! love this @JustinBieber tour so much and it's only the first night- WOW" 11:55 PM




Justin Bieber "Road Trip to South Carolina tonight to perform in The Big League World Series at the J.B. “Red” Owens Complex in Easley, South Carolina at 730pm est. Then ATLANTA 2MORROW MORNING for THE BERT SHOW at 9am est. Everyone come tomorrow morning to hang" 1:58 PM (Eastern Time (US))


scooterbraun "Gonna road trip today to South Carolina with @justinbieber for his show tonight. Hope I dont get pulled over. Always happens in S Carolina" 12:05 PM (Eastern Time (US))

justinbieber "Road Trip 2 South Carolina 2night to perform in The Big League World Series at the Red Owens Complex in Easley, South Carolina at 730pm est." 1:59 PM from web

justinbieber "ATLANTA 2MORROW MORNING for THE BERT SHOW at 9am est. Everyone come tomorrow morning to hang out. Looking forward to meeting all of you." 2:00 PM from web

justinbieber "ATLANTA 2MORROW MORNING for THE BERT SHOW at 9am est- EXCLUSIVE PERFORMANCE! Come hang out. Looking forward to meeting all of you. THANKS" 2:18 PM from web

CarinMB "Just experienced Bieber fever in South Carolina" 11:25 PM

scooterbraun "@justinbieber KILLED IT TODAY in S Carolina. Thousands waited in the pouring rain for him and he did not let them down. Great job JB" 11:26 PM
