Justin Bieber Wiki

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CrazyKhalil "Me & jb recorded some 🔥 yesterday" 9:23 PM (Pacific Time (US))




  • Justin Bieber performing at Hyde Park in London, England.



  • Justin Bieber in Sydney, Australia.
  • Justin Bieber skateboarding in Sydney, Australia.
  • Justin Bieber skating at Monster Skate Park in Sydney, Australia on Thursday evening.


ItsMandizzle "The best unreleased Justin song is "Oxygen" hands down. 🎶🙏🏼" 11:09 AM (Sydney)


  • Justin Bieber in Miami, FL.



PierreBalian "JB beat us all last night at arm wrestling. Nash, Bach, and myself. He was cheating tho." 12:33 AM (Eastern Time (US))

PierreBalian "To go and meet my boy @CrazyKhalil and JB in Miami or nah? #decisions" 12:44 PM

justinbieber "Just posted a #selfie on @shots http://shots.com/p/a7kpvmpg" 5:15 PM via Shots App

justinbieber ".@KennyHamilton yep http://shots.com/p/zm1c418h #selfie" 10:06 PM via Shots App


  • Justin Bieber arriving at his hotel in a classic vintage car in Oklahoma City, OK on Tuesday.


Mike Posner watching Believe Tour show

mikeposner "Snuck into the nosebleeds with @kennyhamilton and @casperbeausmart to watch @justinbieber ...show is dope all the way from here" via Instagram


justinbieber "interesting how some people in the media wanna take shots at me for no reason. all good. keeping it positive over here. all about the music" 10:55 AM (Central Time (US))

justinbieber "we got OKC tonight. held 200 tickets for students from some of the schools recently destroyed. hope they enjoy the show" 10:56 AM

justinbieber "some decisions in life arent easy...but nothing great was ever easy. be great" 10:58 AM

justinbieber "in life you gotta know who you are. know your heart. love the people that love you. and be kind. be GREAT! #wwjd" 10:58 AM

MikePosner "O whatup OKC?!?? Believe Tour tonight. It's going down." 1:38 PM

adambombshow "Another shot to meet @justinbieber at 8:10pm tonight! @NightsLive on @i93dallas" 4:41 PM

adambombshow "At 8:10pm be ready to text to go see and meet @JustinBieber! Have @i93dallas on" 8:02 PM

justinbieber "OKC #BelieveTour" 8:29 PM

justinbieber "Help Change The World" 8:30 PM



SirElijahBlake "Shout 2 scooter givin me a dope update on a record that I did for @justinbieber wit @DaInternz comin out soon with a huge feature Xmas time" 12:25 AM (Pacific Time (US))

DrakeBell "@katyperry these biography movies about artists who have been in the market place for 5 years is ridiculous!!!" 11:40 AM

justinbieber "feeling crappy. big week coming up. #AsLongAsYouLoveMe video shoot" 12:50 PM

justinbieber "stay on http://bieberfever.com to make sure you see the #BELIEVEtour dates as they get released. GOING WORLDWIDE" 1:13 PM



  • Justin Bieber at UFC 132 fight in Las Vegas, NV.


justinbieber "#holidayweekend" 10:04 AM (Pacific Time (US))

lindseylyle "@justinbieber you never tweet your fans anymore :(" 10:07 AM

justinbieber "@lindseylyle yes i do" 10:07 AM

justinbieber "#SOMEDAY is out in CANADA!!" 10:09 AM

justinbieber "and this is a fan made video...just kidding. no serious. it is. lol - http://youtu.be/JENNn9l7vF0" 10:09 AM

lindseylyle "I guess I was wrong.. @justinbieber does notice his fans!!! :) 2" 10:10 AM

justinbieber "@lindseylyle always. #ilovemyfans" 10:11 AM

justinbieber "#neversaynever" 10:12 AM

justinbieber "#iloveallmyfans and now i will retweet the greatest #Plank EVER! ....." 10:13 AM

Woman planking

J_DIMPS "@belieberbabes Let's join forces and get @JustinBieber and his great team to see my 80yr old #GrannyPLANK! :) http://twitpic.com/5jcdua" 12:08 AM

Woman planking
justinbieber "#greatestplankever - @J_DIMPS I see your 80yr old #GrannyPLANK! - http://twitpic.com/5jcdua" 10:15 AM

danawhite "@justinbieber You ready for your first live UFC fight?!?" 4:32 PM

justinbieber "UFC fights tonight. Excited to watch em with my dad @lordbieber and @Lordbieberscady . #swag" 6:00 PM

justinbieber "Chillin with my dad @lordbieber and @danawhite at the UFC fights" 7:44 PM

danawhite "@justinbieber good hangin with you last night too. See you in montreal with @LordBieber" 11:09 AM (3 Jul)
Justin Bieber with his dad 2011
lordbieber "@justinbieber looking god son! http://yfrog.com/h4vchmej" 10:50 PM


  • Justin Bieber performing during his My World Tour in Moline, IL on Friday.


AlfredoFlores ""In the hotel room.. finalizing and reviewing some videos for tomorrow. Then wrapping an edit!! New music video coming soon!" 12:31 AM (Central Time (US))

adambombshow "i 93's @justinbieber fever at the Verizon Theatre. Go to the sold out show, meet him , sound check..just another typical night. 7:20 am.WIN!" 7:13 AM

justinbieber "The act of giving is so much better than the act of taking" 1:58 PM

adambombshow "i 93's @justinbieber fever at the Verizon Theatre. Go to the sold out show, meet him , sound check..just another typical night.8:20 am.WIN!" 8:17 AM

justinbieber "ok my big bro @seankingston needs to stop messin with my twitter. u cant prank a prankster...well i guess he did. well done sir. well done" 8:47 PM

justinbieber "The Home of JOHN DEERE Rocked 2nite!!" 11:13 PM



  • Justin Bieber on Mix 93.3[1]


Justin Bieber "Who is going to help me and buy ONE TIME on ITUNES when it comes out this Tuesday, July 7th on ITUNES??? Spread the word and let's make it #1!!! Also I am coming home to Canada JULY 8th on MuchOnDemand in Toronto. Even if tix are sold out still come and" 10:28 PM (Eastern Time (US))


akaMikeDanger "OMG! Justin Beiber just left a v/m on my cell! I feel like such a little girl right now!" 3:02 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))

DJYoungstar651 "On the way to another show W/ Auburn !! then after that straight to the AirPort show Tomorrow W/ Justin Bieber, BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!" 4:35 PM

