Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber performing during T-Mobile NYE Live at Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles, CA.



  • Justin Bieber in Hawai.


  • Justin Bieber perfoming with Skrillex and Marshmello at the Fontainebleau's New Year's Eve event in Miami, FL.


MightyMykell "Rocking w/ @justinbieber tonight at @Fontainebleau #Miami. Leaving one year on stage and entering the next on stage. Velocity & breakthrough" 8:54 AM (Eastern Time (US))







  • Justin Bieber with Khalil at Blue Mountain Ski Resort.
  • Justin Bieber at Muzik nightclub in Toronto, Canada.



justinbieber "Have a fun New Years" 9:33 AM (Eastern Time (Canada))

BigSean "http://youtu.be/RUqQUUxHfNY?t=2m12s Justin Bieber - Memphis" 5:32 PM

justinbieber "Nun a u http://shots.me/justinbieber/p/0fioo7kg" 8:32 PM


  • Justin Bieber performing on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve at CBS studios in Los Angeles, CA.


psy_oppa "See u guys shortly~!!! @justinbieber @carlyraejepsen @thewantedmusic" 10:02 AM (Pacific Time (US))

justinbieber "FLASHBACK to last year - http://youtu.be/T7SwehyOh3c - Im performing again 3 songs tonight on ABC. one is acoustic :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!" 10:10 AM

justinbieber "2012 has been incredible. hope everyone is having a great new years. Let's go out BIG and have a great 2013. #MUCHLOVE to everyone! thanks" 10:11 AM

justinbieber "see u tonight at 8pm on ABC with @RyanSeacrest and ROCKIN NEW YEARS EVE. 3 songs and one is acoustic! LEGGO! 2013!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" 10:13 AM

thewantedmusic "“@MR_Figggggs: @justinbieber & @thewantedmusic performing tonight on ABC for NYE. my night is gonna be fanfuckingtastic” you better watch!" 10:15 AM

justinbieber "Itunes is doing a new year sale and #BELIEVE album is $6.99 or less if you already bought tracks. 4 days only. @iTunesmusic Thanks" 12:48 PM

justinbieber "hyped for NEW YEARS!! BRING ON 2013!! Well wishes to everyone ALL AROUND THE WORLD! MUCH LOVE" 12:53 PM


  • Justin Bieber performing at Times Square in New York City, NY.


justinbieber "who is gonna be in Times Square tonight in NYC for NEW YEARS. Performing something special. @ryanseacrest u ready?" 1:49 PM (Eastern Time (US))
↳ "@justinbieber so ready I'm already here, see u in a bit" 3:32 PM

justinbieber "u know what..to say thank you for an amazing 2011, me and @officialjaden are releasing a #NewYears song at Midnight. #COUNTDOWN" 2:25 PM

justinbieber "New Years is starting all around the world. so to all my fans around the world...THANK YOU FOR 2011 and Have a Great 2012. I LOVE U" 2:42 PM

justinbieber "I got a special performance coming tonight. #NewYears" 2:44 PM

justinbieber "Performed with Carlos Santana. Honored. #letitbe #happynewyear!" 11:15 PM

haileybaldwin "Watching @justinbieber do a cover of "Let It Be" ... New Years NYC! http://instagr.am/p/das71/ " 11:17 PM

justinbieber "http://twitvid.com/A593W - thank you for 2011, lets have a better 2012! #happynewyear" 11:18 PM



justinbieber "some goodies coming in the new year. VANITY FAIR Cover Story is coming. Probably one of the most intense interviews I have ever done.. #2011" 2:27 PM (Eastern Time (US))
Us Collector's Edition

justinbieber "and this puppy right herr. YEAH MAN! (usher voice) #2011 http://twitpic.com/3la2zl" 2:28 PM

justinbieber "all leading up to #NEVERSAYNEVER3D FEB 11th...Valentines Day Weekend. #2011 WE READY!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enzn-eK1qoU" 2:47 PM

jonmchu "At the Never Say Never sound predubs with @apocalypsetc on New Years Eve!! Working into the New Year is good luck if you didn't know..." 3:01 PM

justinbieber "#2011 the dream...would be to win a grammy. that would be just amazing. a boy can dream right? #2011 5:05 PM

justinbieber "time to gear up for #NEWYEARSEVE . LEGGO!! #LetsGetCrazy #2011" 5:08 PM

justinbieber "good stuff @scooterbraun . we wake up blessed and grateful everyday. thank you" 6:00 PM

justinbieber "so my #newyearsresolution is to continue to give back for my blessings and do more than the year before. i wanna #makeachange 6:01 PM

justinbieber "i want to make #newmusic and share it with all of u. 6:01 PM

justinbieber "so I just also want to say thank you to all of you for this past year. You have changed my life and my family's lives and we are so grateful 6:02 PM

justinbieber "so #HappyNewYear and #godbless and let's make 2011 even better. I love all of you and Im still the kid from Stratford and Im never changin! 6:03 PM


justinbieber "YEAH MAN!! (Usher's Voice)" 6:04 PM


  • Justin Bieber at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve With Ryan Seacrest 2010 at Aria Resort & Casino at the City Center in Las Vegas, NV.


justinbieber "Had some incredible things happen in 2009. thanks for the memories. Lets post some youtube vids of your favorite moments" 11:42 AM (Eastern Time (US)) via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #1: making my first ever music video for ONE TIME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWTdh8eM_aY" 11:48 AM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #2: coming home 2 canada 2 do a big tv performance and surprised with my first plaque http://bit.‏ly/4kWpGl" 12:03 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #3: my brother being born...amazing" 12:06 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #4: starting a great friendship with @taylorswift13 and youtubing at eachother http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaO-z_RS6CY" 12:10 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #5: getting to make a difference and meeting amazing kids around the world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X_TS3SQpkY" 12:17 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #6: singing for the President of the United States http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyKZCQfKIDw" 12:32 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #7: making my second music vid ONE LESS LONELY GIRL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeN3RoP-1xQ" 12:34 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #8: Getting to perform for crowds and fans all around the world. a dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM2omGn1ssQ" 12:36 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #9 is most embarrassing 2. breaking my foot on stage with @taylorswift13 ...nice lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPCfBTU3d6s" 12:48 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #10: performing on @theellenshow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqiDf_Xflq8" 12:51 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #11: going back on the @theellenshow with @usherraymondiv and having a dance off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4qLuicKKpo" 12:54 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #12: performing at sold out Madison Square Garden and surprising them with Usher!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcAbrnOCuLY" 12:58 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #13: MEETING BEYONCE!!! SO FINE..hahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPaaE-ioQiU" 1:03 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #14: since Im on the ladies..rihanna giving a kiss...yeah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYyigQJloNQ" 1:08 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #15: my fans and others helping the charity @pencilsofpromis win $25k to build 3 schools for kids in need. awsome" 1:19 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #16: Partying with @iamdiddy !!! haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxHwfTpQjpc" 1:47 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #17: my fans raising over 150,000 lbs of food for families in need this holiday season. so proud http://tinyurl.‏com/ycz7qgq" 1:51 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #18: gonna perform tonight on ABC for "Rockin New Years Eve" ...HAPPY NEW YEAR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz6Rf9npEN0" 2:02 PM via Twitter Web Client

randomisamo "@justinbieber aren't you supposted to count down for new years memories? 2:07 PM

justinbieber "@randomisamo lol. these arent in any particular order...just memories from the year. so much to be grateful for can put them in any order" 2:08 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #19: releasing my first album MY WORLD. wild http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qYQdMGiCho" 2:10 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "2009 memory #20: knowing all this happened for a small town kid because of a youtube page and your support :) www.youtube.com/justinbieber" 2:15 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "BEST THING ABOUT 2009- Knowing that I have the GREATEST FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND FANS IN THE WORLD. LOVE U ALL AND THANK U. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" 6:07 PM via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "almost party time 2nite on ABC with @ryanseacrest and @selenagomez and me for "Rockin New Years Eve". Starts at 10pm until 1am in 2010!!!" 7:52 PM via Twitter Web Client

KennyHamilton "Guys watch Dick Clark's Rockin NYE party on ABC @JustinBieber is performing tonight! (RT)" 10:04 PM



KennyHamilton "I must say I am extremely excited about 2009...not only for my own business ventures but also because it should be a break out year for..." 7:09 PM (Eastern Time (US))

KennyHamilton "ASHER ROTH and JUSTIN BIEBER! If you don't know the names, go to youtube and find out who they are!" 7:10 PM (Eastern Time (US))
