Justin Bieber Wiki

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  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez leaving a Hillsong Church service in Los Angeles, CA on Wednesday night.




  • Justin Bieber arrives at Teterboro airport in New Jersey.
  • Justin Bieber at the Maxim Big Game Weekend Party during 2014 Super Bowl Weekend at Espace in New York City, NY.






jocelyn1212 "thx to the @DaInternz who stopped by the @mtvnews offices today to chat A LOT. cc @justinbieber @chrisbrown @MileyCyrus etc" 9:01 AM (Pacific Time (US))

justinbieber "U guys like the album ?" [ https://twitter.com/justinbieber/status/29704182141302374510:01 AM]

Believe Acoustic review 2

justinbieber "#BELIEVEacoustic give it a try http://instagram.com/p/VKOxFRgvk_/" 12:47 PM




MickyArison "RT @MiamiHEAT : Can't #Believe it! Great to see @JustinBieber at the @MiamiHEAT game tonight! #LETSGOHEAT" 9:01 PM (30 Jan)
justinbieber "@MickyArison @MiamiHEAT thanks for the game tonight. @KingJames see you next time." 12:36 AM (Eastern Time (US))

NickDeMoura "Me and @JONBOOGIEE party is about to go off !!!!!!!!" 12:24 AM

justinbieber "@NickDeMoura happy bday my dude." 12:37 AM

justinbieber "@LiveLoveKary glad you had a good birthday. #muchlove" 12:38 AM

justinbieber "THIS. JUST. HAPPENED! @BlakeGriffin = #BEASTMODE = WHAT?!?! http://youtu.be/beThNGoTRR4" 12:39 AM

KingJames "RT @justinbieber : @MickyArison @MiamiHEAT thanks for the game tonight. @KingJames see you next time.(Yes sir!!)" 12:43 AM

NickDeMoura "RT @justinbieber : @NickDeMoura happy bday my dude. .......Thanks bro I appreciate it I'm exited for yours !!!!" 1:42 AM

hoogs "@AlfredoFlores @justinbieber great seeing u boys & ur #1trackminds tonight! & for the record, finishing my sour patch watermelon= #dirtymove" 2:26 AM

MikePosner "Just landed in Miami, about to take that power nap and get back in the studio." 9:25 AM

justinbieber "getting up and moving around. studio tonight. but i want to clear something up that is important to me..." 3:18 PM

justinbieber "the other day in the airport i got surrounded by 20 paps. I dont like small spaces and i just wanted to get on the plane. I ran to..." 3:19 PM

justinbieber "get thru the gate and there is a video of me running by fans and on the other side you dont see the 20 paps. I would never run by my fans..." 3:20 PM

justinbieber "and for those that i did pass that day I AM SORRY. I know my fans are my everything. I know my responsibility to them. I LOVE MY BELIEBERS." 3:20 PM

justinbieber "so as i get older i know i will learn to deal with these things better and better just still learning. still human. just had to get that out" 3:21 PM

3 best friends

justinbieber "We're the 3 best friends that anyone could have http://lockerz.com/s/179512319" 3:28 PM

justinbieber "studio tonight with @timbaland - got a lot of things i want to write about. ready to make music." 3:29 PM via Twitter Web Client

scooterbraun "@justinbieber u might like this. "Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us." - Thomas Paine" 3:38 PM

CeleMallette "@justinbieber Promise you will never forget your Beliebers? We need your words, remember that we are not your fans, we are a family 81" 3:49 PM

justinbieber "@CeleMallette i promise" 3:50 PM

justinbieber "@scooterbraun i did like that" 3:53 PM

Timbaland "So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while. -1 Peter 1:6" 1:34 AM

justinbieber "@Timbaland im ready" 3:56 PM via Twitter Web Client
Timbaland "@justinbieber im alittle under the weather. i dont knw what it is i just been havin this head cold but im comin. im ready" 5:19 PM

Wizz_Dumb "JUSTIN BIEBER TIME!!!!!!!!!!! #DumbDrumbsProductionsInc #DDLG" 4:38 PM

KukHarrell "@JackieJackson5 Just sending you a S/O!!!! I'm with JB tomorrow!!" 5:22 PM



  • Justin Bieber eating breakfast.
  • Jusitn Bieber calling Ryan Seacrest.


KiSS 92.5 "ROZ & MOCHA: this is what our phone lines have looked like since 4am!! Everyone is calling for the Justin Bieber "Never Say Never" movie tix! We're 3 min away from giving them away :)" 7:32 AM (Eastern Time (US))


RyanSeacrest "@justinbieber tmrw- 7:30a PT @1027KIISFM ! Will ask about @SelenaGomez . If ur not in LA, listen live thru @iheartradio ! http://bit.‏ly/hIPtUU" 12:02 AM (Eastern Time (US))

NeverSayNeverUK "like Justin, why not show us your smile and you can be part of a special montage find out more http://bit.‏ly/hBeqQm #neversaynever" 6:46 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "is currently listening to Baby by @JustinBieber" 8:14 AM

justinbieber "heading to the @todayshow - leggo" 8:27 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "@justinbieber have fun!" 8:28 AM

justinbieber "had fun with Matt Lauer (who is from the same hometown as @scooterbraun ) on the @todayshow - 3D is #epic" 8:29 AM

justinbieber "why are my tweets not going thru?!?! can u see these???" 8:29 AM

justinbieber "BIG NEWS!! tickets for #NEVERSAYNEVER3D are OFFICIALLY on SALE NOW!!! go to www.MovieTickets.com or www.Fandango.com - and...." 8:37 AM

justinbieber "yes there r GOLDEN TICKETS available at both www.MovieTickets.com and www.Fandango.com too!! Details later 2day!! #NEVERSAYNEVER3D #FEB11th" 8:38 AM

justinbieber "#11Days - #FEB11th - #NEVERSAYNEVER3D" 8:44 AM

NeverSayNeverUK "@justinbieber #18days for the UK :-)" 8:50 AM

justinbieber "gonna check in with @RyanSeacrest in an hour...Letterman later tonight and premieres in TORONTO and NYC tomorrow and WED!! #NEVERSAYNEVER3D" 9:02 AM


justinbieber "Finally got time for breakfast. Pancakes anyone?? Who doesn't love pancakes!?! http://plixi.com/p/73797083" 9:33 AM

justinbieber "oops...lol. the tickets for #NEVERSAYNEVER3D and the GOLDEN TICKET go on sale tomorrow not today. #mybad" 10:09 AM

RyanSeacrest "Minutes away!! RT @_BreanaDanielle : Listening to @RyanSeacrest because @justinbieber is gonna be on :) but KIIS FM is the best." 10:19 AM

justinbieber "shoutout to my good friend and big bro @DJTayJames for being on Fox News. thats #family right there - http://youtu.be/sHp3DcUNUfQ" 10:21 AM

justinbieber "@DJTayJames "Johnny Depp knows the DJ." haha. so #epic" 10:23 AM

justinbieber "calling my buddy @RyanSeacrest" 10:35 AM

RyanSeacrest "Seconds away!! RT @AlexandraR94 : @justinbieber on @RyanSeacrest in seconds http://www.iheartradio.com/index.html :)" 10:37 AM

justinbieber "hahaha... @thatrygood dared me to say #swag when ending my call with @ryanseacrest . looks like they caught me. hahaha. #SWAGG" 11:00 AM

justinbieber "ok time to go to school. so excited. school is amazing. love doing math and reading. nothing is better. nothing. http://youtu.be/wgvwfvTcNl0" 11:16 AM

justinbieber "here is the TODAY SHOW interview this morning. Matt Lauer is a real good guy. He always has his legs crossed - http://youtu.be/Bo4sWgMgIfQ" 11:26 AM

RyanSeacrest "Haha. Dare me to say that on idol? RT @justinbieber : @thatrygood dared me to say #swag when ending my call w @ryanseacrest . they caught me!" 11:27 AM

jonmchu "Today Show interview with @jusinbieber promoting NeverSayNever! Haha "everything looks better in 3D" check it http://youtu.be/Bo4sWgMgIfQ" 11:44 AM

RyanSeacrest "ok i got the scoop on what movie @JustinBieber saw w/ @SelenaGomez last week. @aplusk will be pleased! http://bit.‏ly/gdva3V" 11:56 AM

RyanSeacrest "also listen to the VERY end of the @justinbieber interview... u tell ME what u think he said... http://bit.‏ly/gdva3V" 12:00 PM

justinbieber "Glad to have @taylorswift13 as a friend. Everyone should be as nice as her!" 2:36 PM

justinbieber "Just got to Letterman! Paul Shaffer is canadian! He is like the original @dankanter" 2:47 PM

justinbieber "@dankanter but let's be honest we all miss life #withDanKanter" 2:47 PM

Late_Show "Bieber is in the building. http://yfrog.com/gzk5nwxj @justinbieber" 3:53 PM

justinbieber "I'm hanging out with my Dave at @late_show we need to get him twice as many followers! #justdoit" 4:02 PM

StrictlyFX "Justin Bieber was a guest (with our lasers!) on this week's Extreme Makeover Home Edn. The touching story reminds us NOT to TEXT and DRIVE!!" 4:28 PM

jayleno "Backstage video with @JustinBieber and @jaymohr37 : http://bit.‏ly/flHlsj" 5:37 PM

Late_Show "Tonight: Justin Bieber uses his Twitter power for good to boost Dave's followers. http://bit.‏ly/fcpYJq @justinbieber" 5:50 PM

TerenceDickson "Dear Twitter, I need a date for Justin Bieber premier. Who wants to be my date? Terence Single Dickson lol" 6:00 PM

eorgelopez "RT @AuthenticDru: RT @MartinFLawrence : My new Movie The Skank Robbers coming soon Staring My self @MartinFLawrence ... http://tmi.me/6bQq0" 6:56 PM

justinbieber "@georgelopez thank u for the puma. much appreciated. lol" 7:36 PM

justinbieber "come on everybody I said follow David Letterman!! Follow @late_show !!" 7:09 PM

justinbieber "had a great time on Letterman. Airs tonight and u will see me playing the drums and doing the TOP TEN on Friday!" 7:09 PM

ItsTheSituation "CHECK OUT ME AND @justinbieber VIDEO FOR #NeverSayNever ! GUIDE TO PIMPIN! WAAAAPOWWWW! http://tinyurl.‏com/4co9vg8" 7:10 PM

justinbieber "getting excited for tomorrow in TORONTO. Its premiere day for #NEVERSAYNEVER3D in CANADA!!! #purpleglasses" 7:19 PM

Late_Show "Hey, @justinbieber! Thanks for the Twitter bounce. Only 6,900,000 to go. Game on, Bieber." 7:31 PM

justinbieber "halt everything. Jennifer Love Hewitt wants to be my "PUMA." @thatrygood is officially jealous of the boy. http://youtu.be/YhPoZ7MK1e8" 7:33 PM

justinbieber "getting packed to come to Toronto. CANADA we ready!! #NEVERSAYNEVER3D" 7:43 PM

justinbieber ""Im Canadian" lol. make sure to watch tonight - http://www.cbs.com/late_night/late_show/" 7:53 PM

djsupajames "Ohh Yess ... I forgot @justinbieber tix all week! Phones should be funn this week" 8:15 PM

stayfabulous "@Tanya_Kim @Jpricchio thank you for your positive vibes! And Tanya I'm so excited for your @justinbieber interview tmrw!!" 8:22 PM

justinbieber "on the plane headed to Toronto! Internet on the plane is FAST!!" 9:51 PM

justinbieber "on Valentines Day with #NEVERSAYNEVER3D Im putting out #NEVERSAYNEVERRemixes featuring..." 9:54 PM

justinbieber "featuring.. @rascalflatts @chrisbrown @kanyewest @raekwon , miley, and jaden and @usherraymondIV !! #NEVERSAYNEVERRemixes !!" 9:54 PM

justinbieber "#TeamBieber we go hard!! http://on.mtv.com/eSI9aM" 9:56 PM

justinbieber "@thatrygood is so focused right now...and @late_show kill @scooterbraun tonight. its pretty funny. lol" 10:09 PM

justinbieber "Canada and US....tix for #NEVERSAYNEVER3D Officially go ON SALE 2morrow!! and they are going to go FAST!! get ready! - http://bit.‏ly/g0PtGd" 10:09 PM

justinbieber "CANADA!!!" 10:56 PM

justinbieber "Watching Letterman from #Canada with jazzy next to me. #goodtimes" 11:36 PM

justinbieber "@late_show here we go!" 11:51 PM



  • Justin Bieber and Usher at L.A. Reid's Post-GRAMMY Dinner Hosted by Jay-Z at Cecconi's Restaurant in Los Angeles, CA.


justinbieber "up and at em...grammy rehearsals..." 10:01 AM (Pacific Time (US)) via Twitter Web Client

justinbieber "wow...just over a year ago this was the first song i ever recorded now i get 2 go to the GRAMMYS- http://bit.‏ly/4eMMwb" 10:05 AM

justinbieber "In the building...about to step on stage to deliver my lines for rehearsal. Not gonna lie. Pretty excited to be here" 11:12 AM

Power106LA "RT: @JustinBieber fans: JB will be on air Mon. w/ @YesiOrtiz , & @ 7:30PM (PST) w/ @DJFelliFel to announce winning school, on @Power106LA ." 12:30 PM

imeetjustinb "#putthisonyourcalender 1/31/10 today justin bieber got to a milion followers" 3:25 PM

justinbieber "Sitting In my seat at the grammy's wow" 4:53 PM from UberTwitter

justinbieber "Wow beyonce is so sexy... Pink is amazing. And chuck norris is a legend" 5:46 PM from UberTwitter

justinbieber "Zac Brown is the man! He was sitting right in front of me and is from ATL! They are awesome. Happy for them. Best New Artist! Congrats!" 5:50 PM from UberTwittert

Justin Bieber Grammy Style Studio

Power106LA "http://twitpic.com/10sji5 - @JustinBieber LIVE #Grammys.LISTEN @DJFelliFel @Power106LA 7:30 PM Mon" 6:20 PM

LordBieber "@justinbieber you looked handsome:)" 6:32 PM

Power106LA "@JustinBieber @DJFelliFel Principal 4 A Day deadline is midnight tonight. JB announces winning school Mon. 7:30pm @Power106LA -RT" 6:44 PM

Justin Bieber with Beyonce at Grammy Awards

justinbieber "Wow jay and beyonce uhhh umm wow,, yeah! http://tweetphoto.com/10137283" 7:11 PM from UberTwitter

dankanter "http://twitpic.com/10t4aq - Just got a call from @justinbieber during commercial break. He introduced himself to Dave and he remembered when I met him in Amsterdam." 8:17 PM

Lil Wayne, Justin Bieber & Drake

justinbieber "Yeah. Drake my fellow canadian and weezy baby!! Ya dig? http://tweetphoto.com/10143594" 8:56 PM from UberTwitter

justinbieber "This is all unreal. These people actually know me?!? Nuts. Jamie Foxx and Zac Brown subscribe to www.youtube.com/justinbieber" 9:01 PM from UberTwitter

Power106LA "Less than 30 minutes left before voting for Principal for a Day with Justin Bieber is over! Vote now! http://tinyurl.‏com/y9htrn7" 11:37 PM



  • Justin Bieber at RedZone's Triangle Sound Studios in Atlanta, GA.


KennyHamilton "@yezir get some rest. Dopesession 2nite. Holla tomorrow" 3:22 AM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))

KennyHamilton "@lloydowens we are at the recording studio working with some new producers" 12:42 PM

KennyHamilton "@lindadaywrites check this out, this is what I am working with... http://tinyurl.‏com/6b39vf" 7:48 PM

KennyHamilton "@ShaynaD What do you think of this? http://tinyurl.‏com/6b39vf" 7:50 PM

thatrygood "redzone again..facebook lurking" 8:04 PM

KennyHamilton "@ShaynaD @lindadaywrites that is Justin Bieber...13 year old from Canada...he's on Island Def Jam, we are dropping the first single in Feb!" 8:41 PM
