Justin Bieber Wiki
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  • Justin Bieber leaving a restaurant.


  • Justin Bieber performing during his Purpose World Tour at Pinkpop in Landgraaf, Netherlands.





  • Justin Bieber at Warwick in Los Angeles, CA.



justinbieber "Family time :) http://shots.me/p/0shndmse #selfie" 10:32 PM (Pacific Time (US)) via Shots App


  • Justin Bieber with Lil Twist at a basketball game in Miami, FL on Monday.



justinbieber "Game 7 Tonight. Who you guys got?" 5:07 PM (Eastern Time (US))

LilTwist "Wild Kidz. Game 7" 8:17 PM



  • Justin Bieber in Madrid, Spain.


justinbieber "next song from #BELIEVE comes out in less than #48HOURS #2Days - #AllAroundTheWorld featuring @Ludacris out Tuesday on ITUNES!!" 3:20 PM (Madrid)

justinbieber "day off in spain. no complaints here" 3:25 PM

justinbieber "posted some more viddys with @thatrygood - FOLLOW ME on Viddy Im gonna post more too. #REAL" 3:40 PM


  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez at Mill St. Brewery in Stratford, ON.


justinbieber "DIRK...WOW" 3:20 AM (Eastern Time (Canada))

justinbieber "haha. actually true. Their team was 4 NBA Legends and @Common - and Sudeikis thanks for making my wish happen- http://youtu.be/5zDd4sidFNY" 12:26 PM

justinbieber "#dreambig" 1:28 PM

MCHammer "Support a great cause & see @justinbieber in concert June 11! @CollegeTrack Benefit Concert at Mountain Winery. Tickets http://bit.‏ly/mEiyuf" 3:57 PM

MCHammer "@justinbieber thanks for supporting College Track ... You "Donated"your time, talent and heart. #Class 4:19 PM

common "LOL! I still owe U! RT @justinbieber : haha. true. team w/4 NBA Legends & @Common - Sudeikis thx 4 making my wish http://youtu.be/5zDd4sidFNY" 10:44 PM


  • Justin Bieber interviewed by Rodrigo Alvarez in New York City, NY.
  • Justin Bieber rehearsing for the Macy's 4th of July Spectacular.
  • Justin Bieber attending 1-800-FLOWERS.COM Summer Of Smiles kick off in New York City, NY.


justinbieber "NYC....gonna surprise some fans today!! might be you!!" 10:48 AM (Eastern Time (US))

ernestoria "On my way to BBC studios. Got passes to be in the audience of The Graham Norton show. Usher and Miley Cyrus will be there too." 12:29 PM

KennyHamilton "With my lil bro's @liltwist @diggy_simmons and @justinbieber that equals trouble! Lol..." 1:50 PM

justinbieber "Today is a good day.. I got headache but it's still a good day..." 1:57 PM via Twittelator

TheJamesIngham "Just had a pic with miley Cyrus, she chatted about going on lash & late night phone calls from justin bieber...usher left quick smart!" 3:37 PM

justinbieber "got to surprise one of the winners from my @1800flowers bieber bouquet. Got to deliver the flowers to her myself and sing her a song..." 4:25 PM

justinbieber "Lauren in Rochester is the girl who won. she was real cool and we even did an interview 2gether that will b on Entertainment Tonight i think" 4:28 PM

Step Brothers poster

justinbieber "Hahahahah http://moby.to/8fsgqa" 4:30 PM via Twittelator

justinbieber "Tomorrow morning watch me on the today show." 9:58 PM

dankanter "So happy to open up the new Rolling Stone Magazine and see @justinbieber still sitting at the top of the charts. Congrats bro!" 10:01 PM

dankanter "Playing my @ZakkWyldeBLS Les Paul and my @GibsonGuitarCA acoustic tomorrow morning live on the Today Show with @justinbieber ." 10:49 PM

dankanter "Hung out with Entertainment Tonight and @1800flowers this afternoon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYjpI9S_f1o" 11:42 PM

