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- Justin Bieber in Minneapolis, MN.
- Justin Bieber with Make-A-Wish Fan in Austria.
- "Elmas Herzenswunsch Justin Bieber zu treffen". Make-A-Wish Foundation® Österreich. December 6, 2016.
Universal Music Malaysia "Justin Bieber highly anticipated new album 'Purpose' is dropping on 13 November! Join us for his album launch party this Sunday, 15 November at Paradigm Mall for fun booth activities, exciting performances and win exclusive prizes! Don't be late, it's a date! #JBPurposeMY #15Nov" 6:13 PM (Pacific Time (US)
justinbieber "@diplo @edsheeran go big or go home. Ha" 3:35 AM (Paris)
- ↳ diplo "Shoutout my riviera riders @MOMOMOYOUTH @jasonderulo @justinbieber @edsheeran @walshyfire @jillionaire elliegoulding let's git it 🦄🔫" 3:55 AM
LilTwist "Features from Ty Dolla, Lil Wayne, JB, Slim (112), Skate Maloley, Fooly, Cory Gunz, August Alsina, MANY MORE" 7:18 AM
- Justin Bieber in Córdoba, Argentina.
justinbieber "chillin today. show day in Jersey tomorrow...and proud to make this announcement." 4:03 PM
justinbieber "i have spoken to @AdamBraun from @PencilsofPromis and we donate a dollar of every ticket to charity from the #BELIEVEtour ....so...." 4:03 PM
justinbieber "We decided that for the Jersey, Brooklyn, and 2 MSG shows every ticket sold a dollar will be donated to Hurricane Sandy Relief. #GIVEBACK" 4:05 PM
justinbieber "and all 4 shows are SOLD OUT so U are all helping us make a difference in the lives of those that need it right now. thanks. #GIVEBACK" 4:05 PM
justinbieber "u got me and @carlyraejepsen ?? #EMAs!! VOTE!! thanks. #TEAMBIEBER - https://uk.mtvema.com/vote" 10:40 PM
- Justin Bieber in Paris, France.
- Justin Bieber at Renaissance Paris Arc de Triomphe Hotel.
- Justin Bieber on TF1.
- Justin Bieber on NRJ.
- ↳ MagicJohnson "@justinbieber Thank you!" 1:50 AM
justinbieber "belfast this morning...london in the day...paris at night. #tired" 12:25 AM via Twitter Web Client
- ↳ PilotCR "“@justinbieber: belfast this morning...london in the day...paris at night. #tired” must have an awesome pilot!" 3:04 AM
justinbieber "had my boys @thewantedmusic surprise the crowd 2nite. FOLLOW @jaythewanted @maxthewanted @nathanthewanted @sivathewanted @tomthewanted" 12:29 AM
justinbieber "got to play football with Chelsea today. #SWAG12:45 AM
justinbieber "thank you to all the fans that came out today for the tree lightings. wouldnt be here withoutyou. so grateful for your support. MUCHLOVE" 12:45 AM
justinbieber "best album to date. 5 out of 5 star review! it's all about the music. u be the judge. cheers. #UnderTheMistletoe - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/under-mistletoe-deluxe-edition/id474930087" 1:08 AM
nikosofficiel "Je vais evidemment transmettre a @justinbieber vos bises et toute votre affection lors de l interview pour #europe1 et #50mnInside" 12:27 PM
SoccerStefB "@justinbieber It's Amazing that u go through all these haters and rumours Beliebers are always going to be here 4 u ! #GIVEBACK #BIGfamily u" 12:41 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@SoccerStefB thanks. nothing is gonna break us" 12:42 PM
justinbieber "3 countries in 1 Days yesterday....was exhausted. got much needed rest. Paris We Ready." 12:42 PM
justinbieber "#ParisSwag" 12:43 PM
justinbieber "alot of u are asking me..YES there are special tickets in some of the #UnderTheMistletoe albums that get u to come meet me on NEW YEARS EVE" 12:43 PM
justinbieber "@gemmaagemma thanks for coming" 12:45 PM
justinbieber "just gotta say... I love my fans. my #beliebers my #purpleninjas. love u. incredible. hands down the best fans in the world. cant break us" 12:47 PM
justinbieber "slow moving today...weather changes and travel got me sick. #notfun" 2:04 PM
justinbieber "We go hard! cant let the fans down. Just met 3 amazing kids and we helped Make a Wish here in France have their 4,000 wish. Honored" 3:58 PM
- ↳ MakeAWish "@justinbieber Awesome. Thank you so much for granting our kids' wishes! (cc: @MakeAWishIntl )" 7:29 PM
justinbieber "hanging out with my boy @nikosofficiel at NRJ here in Paris today. got big news about the NRJ awards." 4:09 PM
justinbieber "so this past week and even today every rumor and lie about me possible has been coming out in the press. Just need to ignore it..but..." 4:10 PM
justinbieber "even through all the crap and lies...my fans have been there for me...and i just got word..It is OFFICIAL!! that...." 4:10 PM
justinbieber "... #UnderTheMistletoe is the #1 Album on the BILLBOARD 200 this week!!! WE ARE THE #1 ALBUM!! so to the people making up this BS..." 4:12 PM
justinbieber "...SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN TO TOWN B*Tches! #ILOVEMYFANS!! THANK U. Here is the NEW VIDEO as Promised! THey cant break Us! http://youtu.be/MB3TCiA1rgI" 4:15 PM
justinbieber "stay true to yourself. they can never break us. we are a family. #TEAMBIEBER goes HARD!" 4:20 PM
justinbieber "the album is #1 and here is the newest video Santa Claus is COmin To Town..as promised. - http://youtu.be/MB3TCiA1rgI" 4:22 PM
nikosofficiel "@justinbieber thanx man you were great! See on stage of #nma in cannes!" 4:27 PM
abadchris "Had such a mind-blasting bday! Hung w/ @LMFAO @TheQuestCrew @JENNIWOWW @xoPanettiere @JustinBieber @SelenaGomez. Insane in the membrane!" 4:58 PM
Marie_Swag @nikosofficiel Nikos es ce que il y aura une video de ton Interview avec Justin ? :)" 6:07 PM
- ↳ nikosofficiel "@Marie_Swag sur europe1.fr tout a l heure oui video justin b" 6:12 PM
- "Justin Bieber special shop will be open for a limited time in Osaka and Sendai!" (in Japanese). Universal Music Japan. November 8, 2011.
- Justin Bieber doing a photoshoot for Love magazine.
- Justin Bieber receiving MTV Video Music Brasil award on Monday.
- Justin Bieber interviewed by Gugu Liberato.
- Justin BIeber performing during his My World Tour at Scottrade Center in St. Louis, MO.
Navy Exchange "Good luck to everyone who entered to win a photo opportunity with Justin Bieber. All winners will be notified on Tuesday, November 9. Don't forget - You can still see Justin Bieber THIS SATURDAY, November 13, at NEX Oceana from 1:15 - 2:30pm. See you there! http://pages.navyexchg.com/page.aspx?QS=38dfbe491fab00ea91c0c013c5d13a46a4ea4d4d28be37d3a27184cd9925d1a4" 4:03 PM (Central Time (US))
justinbieber "@jonmchu im gonna send u all this old footage for the movie. just watching it brings back alot of stuff. pretty grateful right about now" 1:47 AM
justinbieber "thanks to everyone for going on this ride with me. we are just getting started. lots more smiles and laughs to be had. and ALOT more MUSIC!" 1:48 AM
terrykennedyfs "lol much love to the @justinbieber doll rockin the tk society http://plixi.com/p/55676441" 1:56 AM
ShowbizSimon "#FF @TeganLOVEFiLM @craigstevens @stevehargrave @gowercottage @Popprince @fatcupid @Pret_uk @guardianfilm @NeverSayNeverUK" 2:16 PM (5 Nov - Central Time)
- ↳ NeverSayNeverUK "@ShowbizSimon thanks for the FF, I hope you had biebertastic weekend!" 3:11 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "@JustDrewBee i am following you now" 3:12 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "@bieberiscooler i am following you now" 3:12 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "@jaaybieberlover i am following you now" 3:12 AM
NeverSayNeverUK "@KellyAlyse thanks for analysing it, hope you had a biebertastic weekend" 3:16 AM
jonmchu "@justinbieber I did the Dougie and cat daddy in honor of you tonight! Can't wait to see the new never before seen videos this week!! Mad luv" 4:22 AM
justinbieber "Wild. Gettin one for Jazzy. Elvis had these. just crazy. and they sing! lol - http://bit.ly/dl35uc" 11:28 AM via Twitter Web Client
justinbieber "IT's COMIN - http://bit.ly/azGV5V" 11:31 AM
justinbieber "RT @blairykinzz @justinbieber is coming to the Lou today! (: = Im in the Lou!" 11:32 AM
Nelly_Mo "http://twitpic.com/34zbbp - Wow talk about 2001 Who can name everyone in this pic?" 12:30 AM
- ↳ justinbieber "@Nelly_Mo Im in your city. Where u at??" 11:40 AM
- ↳ Nelly_Mo "@justinbieber hey lilbra I'm in chralotte!u need anything?let me no" 12:54 PM
- ↳ justinbieber "@Nelly_Mo got it. Gonna rep ur city for you and might have to drop some of your records during the show. gonna be a party. lil bro got this" 1:39 PM
- ↳ Nelly_Mo "@justinbieber Go to work ino u gone kill it lilbra!!u always shut it down!!they luv u in da lou!!see you soon!!STL YALL STAND UP 4 lilbra!" 2:42 PM
justinbieber "RT @Jenny8776 @justinbieber are you going to be doing a book signing when your in london?if you did, i'd be there for sure :) = YEP WE WILL" 1:44 PM
justinbieber "RT @xAndrea_Bieber @justinbieber aww what about NY? = yep doing a signing for the book in NYC on Black Friday, same day #MYWORLDSACOUSTIC" 1:47 PM
justinbieber "and announcing some of the world tour dates soon!! Im hyped. travel the world and bring the tour" 2:38 PM
ConanOBrien "I feel like I have something to do tonight that I keep forgetting." 10:35 AM
- ↳ justinbieber "@ConanOBrien awww....you have dodged me once again nemesis. enjoy your show. I will be watching. I will be watching - http://bit.ly/bIRCIZ" 2:48 PM
StrictlyFX "Bieber Fever is rockin' out in St. Louis, MO at the Scottrade Center tonight! Come see the show + you'll see our cryo, confetti, + lasers!! 6:07 PM
AlfredoFlores "I really hope St. Louis is ready for My World!!! Ready to see @burnham @jasminevillegas @seankingston and @justinbieber ? #beastmode" 6:28 PM
dankanter "Giving @brendaszz a tour of the stage. She's the winner of the Gugu Justin Bieber contest from Brazil!! http://plixi.com/p/55805767" 6:30 PM
Proactiv "Hip Hip Hooray! RT @uhohdominos: Im staring at my face. My proactiv has been working. Thank you thank you thank you." 7:38 PM (3 Nov)
- ↳ justinbieber "@Proactiv i need the green tea moisturizer. the other stuff is workin real nice. Im relying on you guys. Puberty here peoples. puberty" 6:58 PM
justinbieber "St. Louis the crew is heading outside the venue to surprise some fans. We take care of our own." 7:02 PM
KennyHamilton "Here is @ScooterBraun and @JustinBieber , I love the handle bars Scooter! http://twitpic.com/3584jq" 10:36 PM
justinbieber "still hyped and exhausted and this dude @scooterbraun is celebrating Movember with a sweet handle bar mustache - http://twitpic.com/3584jq" 10:41 PM
justinbieber "@scooterbraun u cannot shave that thing. @thatrygood and @kennyhamilton you need to get the handle bars going. lol http://twitpic.com/3584jq" 10:42 PM
justinbieber "really great show tonight. @Nelly_Mo u would of been proud of your hometown. they go hard" 11:11 PM
- ↳ Nelly_Mo "@justinbieber they told me u showed out!!thanx for reppin see u soon lilpimp" 12:30 AM (9 Nov)
- "Justin Bieber’s Acoustic Album to Release on Black Friday". Trending Daily. November 8, 2010.
- Justin Bieber performing for Kidd's Kids at Disney World in Orlando, FL.
Aton Ben-Horin "Backstage at benefit show with Justin Bieber and co" 7:43 PM (Eastern Time (US))
KennyHamilton "In the Animal Kingdom at Disney World with @JustinBieber with Kidd Kraddick's Kidds Kidds...." 10:56 AM
KiddKraddick "Me and justin bieber at WDW for kidds kids! Lunch1" 1:12 PM
KiddKraddick "Me and justin bieber at WDW for kidds kids! Lunch! http://pic.gd/b346c0" 1:21 PM
KiddKraddick "Watch @justinbieber 's private show on kiddnation.com at 7:30 eastern" 1:43 PM
KennyHamilton "Riding around Disney with @JustinBieber and @Kiddkraddick" 1:52 PM
justinbieber "I am having a great time in Orlando! The weather is off the chainnnnn!!" 2:25 PM from web
KiddKraddick "Thx @justinbieber 4 hngn w/kidd'sKids at WDW. Watch live concert tonight 7PM est on KIDDNATION.COM" 3:18 PM
KiddKraddick "http://pic.gd/94f2d4 with @JustinBieber at Animal Kingdom for Kidd's Kids trip!" 3:25 PM
KiddNation "LIVE justin bieber show tonight on ustream.tv/kiddlive starts at 7pm EST @justinbieber" 3:26 PM
KiddNation "another 1 with justin http://pic.gd/45edea" 3:31 PM
KennyHamilton "@MRSCANTZ I'm in Fla with JB now, back to atl tomorrow. Going to LA next week! You know I can't wait!" 3:44 PM
KennyHamilton "@CHICAGORilla chillin man! Bout to go and grab dinner in a lil while before sound checks. What's good with you?" 3:44 PM
KiddKraddick "JUSTIN BIEBER live concert for Kidd's Kids, tonight at 7pm eastern. watch it here. http://www.ustream.tv/KiddLive http://bit.ly/3U85bI" 3:48 PM
KiddKraddick "http://twitvid.com/E6050 - Justin bieber backstage." 7:26 PM
KennyHamilton "Here's @JustinBieber performing live right now at Disney! Watch it live: www.KiddNation.com http://twitpic.com/otrwa" 7:49 PM
KiddKraddick "Justin bieber performing right now on ustream.tv/kiddlive" 7:55 PM
justinbieber "Just finished my show in Disney with @kiddkraddick . Watch it at www.kiddlive.com. Always so much fun on your show kidd! Thanks for having me" 8:25 PM from UberTwitter
KiddNation "Watch @JustinBieber's performance for Kidd's Kids here http://bit.ly/vJHUR" 11:02 PM
KiddNation "To @justinbieber fans: Magic Kingdom open until 1AM. Justin Bieber went to get in some rides." 11:15 PM
- "Justin Bieber Preview!". Popstar! Online. November 8, 2009.